A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
her Cylon-dar proved distinctly unreliable: trusting her skinjob CAG
ya, dual trusting. 1) in character, since I was a pilot, and he was the CAG. 2) I was a newbie, he was experienced. I was doe-eyed trusting sucker. I tip my cap, sir. Genius!
if you have any questions
anyone wanna play again?
ya, dual trusting. 1) in character, since I was a pilot, and he was the CAG. 2) I was a newbie, he was experienced. I was doe-eyed trusting sucker. I tip my cap, sir. Genius!
True this; with the majority of players being new to the game, I think Apollo was able to get away with a lot more than he would've in more experienced company. In particular, there was some early confusion about the role of the Destiny Deck (which muddied the question of who was spiking what), and unfamiliarity with what different characters drew and what special abilities they possessed.
What's the maximum number of players?
What's the maximum number of players?
Six players all up, though on BGG they've run some experimental games with ten. You interested?
Pete wants to be a cylon!!!!
And you can be his Cy-girl.
And you can be his Cy-girl.
Oh, you're so dead.
I would LOVE to be in another game.
Finally, of course, he spiked the check that landed Adama in the Brig and left him as the only remaining player with the run of the ship.
I am embarrassed to admit that this was finally when I figured it out. I was totally convinced up to that point that it was Roslin and maybe Baltar what were the cylons.
Random bought my trust in large part by looking at my card and telling the truth. Which, in retrospect, was brilliant, because it meant he could hide behind my, uh, skirts...and then when he was revealed as a cylon it cast doubt on me.
I found it a LOT harder to play online than in person, FWIW. I guess I'm just way too visual; I had problems with everything from remembering which cards were what to counting cards in checks and drawn to remembering what actions people had taken. I also found it a lot harder to table-talk; my gift of gab appears to be verbal, not typed.
In conclusion, very much fun, I'm still stunned we got w/in one jump of winning, but if you guys want to do it again, I will relinquish my seat at the table.
Random bought my trust in large part by looking at my card and telling the truth. Which, in retrospect, was brilliant, because it meant he could hide behind my, uh, skirts...and then when he was revealed as a cylon it cast doubt on me.
He'd been psyching himself up to out you, but at the last moment decided the credibility war would be too risky. In hindsight, he got a much better payoff the way it played out. In fact, I had a running dialogue with him as (to me, who after all knew his loyalty card) his acts of sabotage became more and more outrageous. Mostly to the effect that surely
time someone would notice. But even Roslin, who was I think the only person
convinced Roslin was a Cylon, suspected you instead of him.
In conclusion, your husband is a lying liar who lies. It was a thing of beauty and a joy to behold.