A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
I need a name for a blog about gaming.
It will be mostly about tabletop RPG, mostly the old-school kind (D&D 1e, Judges' Guild, Runequest), but will include whatever the author feels like including.
It will be structured like an advice column, with a gangsta sensibility.
Examples of the writing include:
(On "The Tyranny of the DM") Back in the 1e day, wasn't no way I was putting myself in the hands of any tyrannical, swaggering, tin-pot DM with delusions of dictatorial grandeur. Hell no! That was my role, and I clung to it with all both my hands, thank you very much! And I assure you, there were no "good times." I didn't fucking learn every fucking rule in 1e to make "good times" for players. Shit no. I was there to teach lessons, HARD FUCKING LESSONS, about life and about trying to use NPC ONLY classes as PCs. I didn't have ISSUES! I had SOLUTIONS! I didn't put up with no mullet-headed, Metallica-listening, metal shop drop-out bringing any of that anti-paladin shit into my game. Straight up word, mofo. Fo real, aiight?
Other topics include:
On the use of NPCs as PCs in 1e D&D
"This is my anti-paladin," and 10 other things I told yo' mama when I rolled her over in bed this morning.
Traps in the 1e D&D game
Because you're a dumbass, that's why. 25 points of damage, now write it down.
Music and the proper 1e D&D atmosphere
I don't CARE if there's a song called Rivendell on it, no fucking Rush in my house!
How about "The Search for Dungeon Master"? Or, since you're looking at a broader range of games, "Game Master" instead?
"Half Damage" popped into my head.
Good ones! I'm also liking "Notorious RPG"
Back to the rebrigging of Boomer. I have orders from the three remaining players. Plays are:
2 cards
3 cards
1 card
No cards
1 card
No cards
Purple 3
Yellow 2
Red 3
Red 3
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
3 - 14 = 11. Fail - Boomer stays free.
Apollo is also out of the Brig, so he draws a Crisis Card:
Guilt by Collusion
Skill Check (9 GP)
Once again, we pause for interrupts (Investigative Committee and Scientific Research).
So, in the middle of this massive series of attacks, we've spent what, six, seven rounds shoving each other in and out of the brig? That's frakkin' brilliant, people.
Perhaps this is a good time to point out that, other than attempting to brig Baltar (which was done at the behest of military command), I have primarily been a
of this massive internment pogrom. Also, it was through
efforts that Lt. Valerii was sprung, so that at least
besides the allegedly cylon and
unbalanced "Acting Admiral" could be on the outside. However, I would like to point out that since it's
that both
are on the outside now, maybe we should think about putting a third person out of the brig.
So, you know.... any time you guys want to try and spring
the President
from the pokey, I'd appreciate that. Then maybe we can see about freeing and even reinstating our former Admiral to his rightful place.