Wesley: Hey. Hey, Gunn. Is something weird going on? … Charles, you just peed on my shoes. Gunn: I'll be damned. That's weird.

'Life of the Party'

Gaming 1: You are likely to be eaten by a grue

A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.

PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.

billytea - Apr 29, 2016 12:42:55 pm PDT #25173 of 26133
You were a wrong baby who grew up wrong. The wrong kind of wrong. It's better you hear it from a friend.


Orders are in! Phase II (Develop):

Ryan and Laga both pass.

Connie plays Drop Ships for 3 discards. This gives her +3 military strength, total of 4.

omnis plays Imperium Cloaking Technology. He can discard this to play a non-military world as if it were military, with a defence equal to its cost -2. He can use this even with no military; he counts as having 0 military, so can use this for non-military worlds up to 2 cost. He then draws 1 card from Public Works for playing a development.

chrismg plays Space Marines for 2 discards. This gives him +2 military strength.

Connie and chrismg both now have 4 military strength.

billytea - Apr 29, 2016 12:55:10 pm PDT #25174 of 26133
You were a wrong baby who grew up wrong. The wrong kind of wrong. It's better you hear it from a friend.


Phase III (Settle) next. Laga passes again.

Connie plays Primitive Rebel World. This is a 1-strength military Blue windfall world. It lets her discard 1 card from her hand to boost her military by +1. With Space Mercenaries, she can add up to +3 in a given round.

Ryan plays Gem World for 2 discards. This is a Blue production world. He draws 1 card whenever he produces on it.

omnis discards Imperium Cloaking Technology to play Space Port. This is a Blue production world, that gives +3 cards when trading a Brown good. (Not that he can produce a Brown good just yet.)

chrismg plays Outlaw World. This is a 1-strength military world. It lets him consume 1 good for 1 VP and 1 card. He then draws 1 card for choosing this phase.

It may now be a while before I get to Phase V, as I'm off to take my in-laws to the airport.

billytea - Apr 29, 2016 9:00:14 pm PDT #25175 of 26133
You were a wrong baby who grew up wrong. The wrong kind of wrong. It's better you hear it from a friend.


Back for Phase V (Produce).

Connie has no production worlds, so she doesn't produce anything (she has a Blue good on the windfall world she just played). However, Rebel Cantina lets her draw 1 card for each Rebel world in her layout. She now has 2 such worlds, Rebel Cantina and Primitive Rebel World; she draws 2 cards.

Ryan chose this phase, so he produces on his windfall world as well as the production worlds. He produces 1 Blue good and 2 green goods, and draws 1 card for producing on Gem World.

omnis produces 2 Blue goods.

Laga produces 1 Green good.

chrismg has no production worlds, and indeed no Phase V powers. He passes.

That concludes Round 3! Everyone, please send me your choice of action card for Round 4.

billytea - Apr 29, 2016 9:19:21 pm PDT #25176 of 26133
You were a wrong baby who grew up wrong. The wrong kind of wrong. It's better you hear it from a friend.


End-of-round summary:

Round 3
Research Leader - Most Explore Powers
Largest Industry - Most Blue/Brown Worlds
Galactic Standard of Living - First to 5 VPs
Expansion Leader - First to 8 cards in layout
System Diversity - First to have a world of each colour
Budget Surplus - First to discard at round end

Connie Neil
Rebel Cantina (Non-Military World)
Space Mercenaries (Development)
Runaway Robots (Military Brown Windfall World)
Drop Ships (Development)
Primitive Rebel World (Military Blue Windfall World) + good

Cards in Hand: 4
Military Strength: 4
Victory Points: 0
Layout Value: 4
6-Cost Developments: 0
Goals: 0

Ancient Race (Non-Military Green Windfall World) + good
Distant World (Non-Military Green Production World) + good
Gem World (Non-Military Blue Production World) + good

Cards in Hand: 3
Military Strength: 0
Victory Points: 0
Layout Value: 4
6-Cost Developments: 0
Goals: 0

Earth's Lost Colony (Non-Military Blue Production World) + good
Public Works (Development)
Space Port (Non-Military Blue Production World) + good

Cards in Hand: 5
Military Strength: 0
Victory Points: 0
Layout Value: 3
6-Cost Developments: 0
Goals: 0

Separatist Colony (Non-Military World)
Rebel Pact (Development)
Plague World (Non-Military Green Production World) + good

Cards in Hand: 3
Military Strength: 1
Victory Points: 0
Layout Value: 2
6-Cost Developments: 0
Goals: 0

New Sparta (Military World)
Star Nomad Lair (Military Blue Windfall World)
Space Marines (Development)
Outlaw World (Military World)

Cards in Hand: 6
Military Strength: 4
Victory Points: 0
Layout Value: 4
6-Cost Developments: 0
Goals: 0

VP Pool: 60

Kalshane - Apr 30, 2016 7:23:06 am PDT #25177 of 26133
GS: If you had to choose between kicking evil in the head or the behind, which would you choose, and why? Minsc: I'm not sure I understand the question. I have two feet, do I not? You do not take a small plate when the feast of evil welcomes seconds.

It's funny, when I'm running an RPG campaign it feels like I never have enough free time due to all the prep work, but when I'm not running a game I can't wait to start a new one.

billytea - May 01, 2016 12:59:17 am PDT #25178 of 26133
You were a wrong baby who grew up wrong. The wrong kind of wrong. It's better you hear it from a friend.


Orders are in!

Connie Neil: Phase III - Settle
Ryan: Phase IV ($) - Consume (Trade)
omnis: Phase IV (x2) - Consume (double VPs)
Laga: Phase IV ($) - Consume (Trade)
chrismg: Phase II - Develop

Three phases this round. First is Phase II (Develop). chrismg chose this phase, and plays Genetics Lab for 1 discard. This gives him +1 card when trading a Green good, and he can produce on a Green windfall world in Phase V. He currently has no Green worlds, but early days. Everyone else passes on Phase II.

Phase III: omnis, Laga and chrismg all pass.

Connie chose this phase, and she plays Devolved Uplift Race. This Blue production world is a 1-strength military world. She then draws 1 card for choosing this phase.

Ryan plays New Vinland for 2 discards, which cleans out his hand. This is a Blue production world, and lets him consume 1 good for 2 cards.

billytea - May 01, 2016 1:47:50 am PDT #25179 of 26133
You were a wrong baby who grew up wrong. The wrong kind of wrong. It's better you hear it from a friend.


Finally, Phase IV. Connie has no Consume powers, and chrismg has no goods, so they both pass.

Ryan chose to trade. He trades his Blue good; he gets +3 cards from the bonus on Distant World, for a total of 5. He also consumes one of the Green goods on New Vinland for another 2 cards;; his total draw is 7.

omnis opted for double points. He consumes his two Blue goods on Earth's Lost Colony and Public Works for 2 VPs, which doubles to 4 VPs.

Laga also chose to trade, and trades her Green good for 4 cards.

That concludes Round 4. And at this point, we note that the first goal has been claimed! Connie has 2 Blue and 1 Brown world, which meets the minimum for the "Most Blue/Brown Worlds" goal. Both Ryan and omnis are just behind on 2 Blue worlds, though, and this tile could easily change hands before game end.

Concerning the other tiles: Laga has 2 Explore powers, and one more will claim the "Most Explore Powers" goal.

For the "First" goals: omnis has 4 VPs, and needs just 1 more for the 5 VPs tile. Connie has 6 cards in her layout; 2 more will give her the "8 cards in layout" goal. Connie and Ryan both have goods in 2 colours, and need 2 other colours for "world in each colour". Finally, no one yet has had to discard at round end. Ryan and Laga are closest at the moment, with 7 cards in hand apiece.

Everyone, please send me your choice of action card for Round 5.

billytea - May 01, 2016 2:34:45 am PDT #25180 of 26133
You were a wrong baby who grew up wrong. The wrong kind of wrong. It's better you hear it from a friend.


End-of-round summary:

Round 4
Research Leader - Most Explore Powers
Largest Industry - Most Blue/Brown Worlds (Connie)
Galactic Standard of Living - First to 5 VPs
Expansion Leader - First to 8 cards in layout
System Diversity - First to have a world of each colour
Budget Surplus - First to discard at round end

Connie Neil
Rebel Cantina (Non-Military World)
Space Mercenaries (Development)
Runaway Robots (Military Brown Windfall World)
Drop Ships (Development)
Primitive Rebel World (Military Blue Windfall World) + good
Devolved Uplift Race (Military Blue Production World)

Cards in Hand: 4
Military Strength: 4
Victory Points: 0
Layout Value: 5
6-Cost Developments: 0
Goals: 5

Ancient Race (Non-Military Green Windfall World) + good
Distant World (Non-Military Green Production World)
Gem World (Non-Military Blue Production World)
New Vinland (Non-Military Blue Production World)

Cards in Hand: 7
Military Strength: 0
Victory Points: 0
Layout Value: 5
6-Cost Developments: 0
Goals: 0

Earth's Lost Colony (Non-Military Blue Production World)
Public Works (Development)
Space Port (Non-Military Blue Production World)

Cards in Hand: 5
Military Strength: 0
Victory Points: 4
Layout Value: 3
6-Cost Developments: 0
Goals: 0

Separatist Colony (Non-Military World)
Rebel Pact (Development)
Plague World (Non-Military Green Production World)

Cards in Hand: 7
Military Strength: 1
Victory Points: 0
Layout Value: 2
6-Cost Developments: 0
Goals: 0

New Sparta (Military World)
Star Nomad Lair (Military Blue Windfall World)
Space Marines (Development)
Outlaw World (Military World)
Genetics Lab (Development)

Cards in Hand: 4
Military Strength: 4
Victory Points: 0
Layout Value: 5
6-Cost Developments: 0
Goals: 0

VP Pool: 56

billytea - May 02, 2016 9:23:28 pm PDT #25181 of 26133
You were a wrong baby who grew up wrong. The wrong kind of wrong. It's better you hear it from a friend.


Orders are in.

Connie Neil: Phase V - Produce
Ryan: Phase IV ($) - Consume (Trade)
omnis: Phase I (+1/+1) - Explore (draw +1 card, keep +1 card)
Laga: Phase I (+1/+1) - Explore (draw +1 card, keep +1 card)
chrismg: Phase I (+1/+1) - Explore (draw +1 card, keep +1 card)

Lot of people crying card-poor there. We can help. Phase I (Explore) is first, so.

Connie and Ryan have no Explore powers and didn't choose this phase. They draw 2 cards and keep 1.

omnis draws 3 cards and keeps 2.

Laga draws 5 cards, takes them into her hand and then discards 3 cards.

chrismg draws 4 cards and keeps 2.

Cards are going out now. Everyone, let me know what you keep/discard.

billytea - May 04, 2016 1:55:42 am PDT #25182 of 26133
You were a wrong baby who grew up wrong. The wrong kind of wrong. It's better you hear it from a friend.


I have everyone's choices. Let's run through Phase IV (Consume) and Phase V (Produce).

Ryan chose Phase IV, and he trades 1 Green good for 4 cards. No one else has both a good and a Consume power, so everyone else passes.

Phase V (Produce):

Connie chose this phase. She produces 1 Blue and 1 Brown good. She then draws 2 cards from Rebel Cantina, as she has two Rebel worlds in her layout, and 1 card for producing on Runaway Robots. (Those rascally robots.)

Ryan produces 2 Blue and 1 Green world. He then draws 1 card for producing on Gem World.

omnis produces 2 Blue goods.

Laga produces 1 Green good.

chrismg has no production worlds, so he passes.

And that takes us to the end off the round, where Ryan has 13 cards in hand. That means he has to discard 3 cards, and therefore he claims the goal for being the first player to discard.

Everyone, please send me your choice of action card for Round 6.