What can you play on it?
BT, back on the laptop, here are the games that you can play as a single person with base purchase of the Tabletop Simulator:
Jigsaw, backgammon, cards, cardbots, checkers, chess, chinese checkers, custom, dice, dominoes, go, mahjong, pachisi, piece pack, poker, reversi, RPG, sandbox, solitaire, tools.
I would guess, all of those you could play with someone else.
It looks like there are 3 down loadable content (DLC) to buy, currently available for Tabletop.
Cosmic Encounter Connector
Darkest Knight
Each are under $10 (US). If I understand the descriptions, only the host has to own the DLC.
Also Mistfall
Someone has created a RFTG mod. Whoever decides to 'host' subscribes to the creator's RFTG to download the game (for free), and everyone else simply joins the hosts's room and starts playing. (full disclosure- the publishers of RFTG would receive no money from this)
Omnis, I sent you a Steam friend request.
It looks like the single player games do not have a AI to play against. Kinda sad.
Laga, I'm itching to try this table top thingie out. Do you want to play something? What's your schedule like?
Omnis, I sent you a Steam friend request.
Sweet! When I get home from work, I'll log into steam and accept, and invite you to Buffista group.
I'm home most days by 4 eastern and can usually stay up until at least 8.
I'm lucky to be home by 7pm pacific. Maybe the weekend?
I'm off on Saturday!
Should we advertise the Steam group in the Buffistas FB group?
Saturday! Let's do it.
Should we advertise the Steam group in the Buffistas FB group?
Sure. Not sure if folks can find it (it's private, no public). But at least that it's there, and to friend us, and we can invite them. I think I made you and both moderators.
Someone has created a RFTG mod. Whoever decides to 'host' subscribes to the creator's RFTG to download the game (for free), and everyone else simply joins the hosts's room and starts playing. (full disclosure- the publishers of RFTG would receive no money from this)
I would be in for this. Currently, evening in the US would be early afternoon for me. That could be workable.
And on that note, I'd like to put together the next game of Race for the Galaxy here. Who's in?
Rules and elements are for the most part the same as in previous games. If the players want to try it, I'd be happy to include goals at this point.
What happens with goals: in addition to the regular game play (all of which is unaffected), there are some tiles (drawn randomly), worth either 3 or 5 points. Players can claim tiles by fulfilling the relevant conditions, to boost their score. There are two kinds of tiles.
There are four such tiles, each worth 3 points. They each have a different condition printed on them. Whichever player is first to fulfil that condition gets the tile and the points. For instance, there may be a tile for the first player to collect at least 5 VPs in chips, or the fist player to get three Alien cards (i.e. with "ALIEN" in the name) in their layout.
There are two such tiles, each worth 5 points. They each have a given criterion on them, and a bottom threshold. These tiles go to whichever player has more of that criterion than any other player. For instance, there may be a tile for the player with the highest military strength, or the most developments in their layout. But they're not given out until someone's got past the bottom threshold. (For instance, to get the Military Strength tile, you need at least 6 strength. To get the Developments tile, you need at least 4 developments.) A player can lose one of these tiles, if someone else overtakes them.
I think last game went pretty well and people seem to have the hang of it. Would you like to try adding goals too?