A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
I have everyone's play.
Admiral's Quarters (Baltar):
4 GP
0 cards
1 card
1 card
3 cards
2 cards
That's some high octane. Cards played:
Restore Order 4
Critical Situation 4
A Second Chance 5
Dogfight 0
Consolidate Power 2
Investigative Committee 3
Investigative Committee 3
Tally: 13 - 8 = 5. Pass!
Baltar is marched to the Brig!
Looks like Tigh liked him more than he let on. Tigh's crisis is:
Loss of a Friend
Skill Check (9 YG)
Possible interrupts: IC, SR, RO, ASC, Reckless. Everyone, please pass or play. You can also send me COs for the check itself. Helo plays first, Tigh last.
Oh, wait, just before we get onto that, this check was Reckless. Time to check the Treachery deck! It has:
Bait 0
Recklessness is a go! Second card:
Bait 0
Well, that's all a bit useless. All the civvies are already on the board, so we can't add more. The humans get away with it after all!
BSG (Admiral Tigh)
Well that was a squeaker! But he/it is in the brig! Good job, team humans!
As for this new check, I only draw half of the colors it's asking for. So I can help a little.
We need at least a partial pass to save another hit to morale. Mr. President, is there anything in your bag of tricks to boost morale?
Oh! and a jump icon! So, we auto jump, yes?
Oh! and a jump icon! So, we auto jump, yes?
That is correct! The fleet jumps this turn.
Everyone passes on interrupts. The check begins:
Loss of a Friend:
9 (7) YG
2 cards
(COs received)
(COs received)
Helo is up first.
Loss of a Friend:
9 (7) YG
2 cards
1 card
1 card
1 card
Tigh plays last.
I have everyone's play:
Loss of a Friend:
9 (7) YG
2 cards
1 card
1 card
1 card
2 cards
So that's... four cards from the humans. That's should do it, right? Cards played:
Consolidate Power 1
Executive Order 2
Executive Order 2
Declare Emergency 3
Strategic Planning 5
Full Throttle 2
Test the Limits 5
Tally: 8 - 12 = -4. Epic Fail!
Well... At least no one played an Iron Will. Morale falls by 1, and Tigh discards:
Launch Scout 1
Launch Scout 1
But it's not all bad news. There's a heavy raider activation, which doesn't matter because we reach the end of the jump track. The fleet jumps! Destinations are on their way to the Admiral. Admiral Tigh, when you're ready, please post your choice.
BSG (Baltar)
Looks like your DESTINY is to FAIL.