I think it's a toss up but if I had to choose I'd go for the fight.
Gaming 1: You are likely to be eaten by a grue
A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
Oh the slander! I am a War Hero! A WAR HERO, I say! And hero that I am, I sent the inexperienced rapture pilot (in case of teh combat this viper will be unmanned) to fight the enemy which doesn't fight back -- which you have to admit is a bonus in a combat situation.
Ahem. In any case, the CAG votes for the combat. The -1 morale can be recovered by the President through a quorum card. Population is a one way slide; it doesn't ever come back. Plus, what kind of leaders are we if we make an emergency jump every time we see cylons, leaving civilians behind to their doom?
Captain Apollo, you must understand that as the administrator of this game it would be deeply inappropriate of me to deride, mock or otherwise ridicule any of the players, until they are injured, brigged or otherwise in no position to fight back.
Two votes for the stoush, but there's only one vote that matters. Admiral Adama, what say you?
it would be deeply inappropriate of me to deride, mock or otherwise ridicule any of the players, until they are injured, brigged or otherwise in no position to fight back.
Heh. You are, in fact, the exact kind of God I think Apollo deserves. He will begin to worship you straight away.
I've just lost 3 Conquer Club games in a row and am hungry for more!
Anyone interested in playing the Arctic or NYC maps? I can't create a private game b/c I'm not a premium member, but I'd happily join one if someone else set it up.
What's our policy on sidebar conversations? Like, if I want to discuss something with one of the other players but not all? Doable? Include billytea on the email? (which is like cc:ing God)...or not kosher?
I'm leaning toward the population hit. Apollo makes a good point about Morale being replaceable, but this is only our second turn, and facing another basestar this soon does not give me a warm fuzzy. If we don't kill it right away, we risk more raiders, Heavy raiders, damage to the Galactica, and ADDITIONAL basestars from subsequent crisis cards.
Also, -2 Population leaves us 10 away from losing, where -1 Morale leaves us 8 away from losing.
As President, I am completely against anything that puts another Basestar off our front quarter. If we have to abandon people to escape another battle this soon, then eff 'em. They should have stuck closer to the fleet, like I tell them to do every week in my Presidential wireless address.
If we don't kill it right away, we risk more raiders, Heavy raiders, damage to the Galactica, and ADDITIONAL basestars from subsequent crisis cards.
::Channel Helo:: Roger that, Admiral McClellan -- preserve our military resources whatever the cost to our strategic objectives. After all, President Airlock has given us full top cover to "eff" those civilians, and Gods know they are just slowing us down. ::/Helo::
I don't wanna be the guy who says, "Hey, if we choose battle we might win!" and then we go on to suffer heavy losses.
I do wanna be the guy who says, "Hey if we choose battle, we might win!" and then we go on to an amazing victory.
The MEH decrees RISK a poor and uninteresting game because you are right -- there is nothing else you would do. Leaving aside the sheer randomness of the combat system, whining in RISK is amplified because losing positions get established very quickly, it is very difficult to engineer come-back wins without poor play by someone else (which usually elicits accusations of game-throwing), and there is only one possible route to victory.
RISK was the boardgame that always ended badly in college where my friends were too competitive. A few bad rolls and pissed offness ensued. My favorite boardgame was Junta (if anyone has heard of that one). It went well with my high school friends who didn't take double crossing personally, NSM with my college friends who did take the double dealing a bit personally.