A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
BSG ("Chief" Galen Tyrol)
Well, he said he wanted stuff to repair.
Um. No. I said there was nothing to repair on my turn. That is decidedly different than *wanting* something to repair. I'd much prefer not needing to repair stuff. How many levels of command-z does this game allow?
Damage is split between the two ships. It is:
Lose 1 Food
Engine Room (again)
That could've been worse, at least. Finally, the jump track advances. That concludes Zarek's turn. Kat's cards are going out. Kat, when you're ready, please post your move and action.
End-of-turn summary:
Round 2.4 - Zarek
Locations and Hands
Kat: Sector 4; 7 cards, 1 miracle token, 0 mutiny cards
Chief: FTL Control; 5 cards, 1 miracle token, 0 mutiny cards
Romo: Quorum Chamber; 4 cards, 1 miracle token, 1 mutiny card
Zarek: Brig; 6 cards, 1 miracle token, 1 mutiny card
Main Board Sectors
Sector 1: 4 Raiders
Sector 2: Empty
Sector 3: Empty
Sector 4: Kat
Sector 5: Empty
Sector 6: Empty
Fuel: 9
Food: 9
Morale: 9
Population: 12
Viper Reserves: 8
Damaged Vipers: 0
Raptors: 4
Assault Raptors: 0
Boarding Party: 0
Nukes: 2
Jump Track: 1 (Red)
Distance Travelled: 2
Galactica Damage: Engine Room
BSG ("Chief" Galen Tyrol)
Engine Room (again)
Man! I just fixed that. :: sigh ::
BSG (that's Admiral Kat to you)
Hey what do you know, I received an XO. Anybody have any bright ideas?
I could get an RSV into Sector 1.
BSG (queen of all Kats)
well if that's the way y'all are going to be about it I
to Sector 3
and play
to launch an RSV into Sector 6, move it to Sector 1 and command it to fire on the raiders.
Go get 'em cowboy!
BSG (Romo)
Nice move! Yes, please give those Raiders something to shoot at besides our battlestars.
BSG ("Chief" Galen Tyrol)
Sorry Kat. I checked while on my phone, but didn't have my cheat sheet with me. There wasn't much I could do. I think your actions were great! As Romo says, let's keep the big ships from getting fired on.
An RSV moves to Sector 1, and takes one shot:
Die roll: 8. Hit!
There are three raiders remaining.
That is one well hydrated pilot out there. Kat's crisis card is:
Water Shortage (A)
President's Choice
This is the Water Shortage with the raider activation, so they're about to get right of reply on the RSV. President Romo, when you're ready, please post your choice.
BSG (Romo)
I can handle the discard. How about you, Kat?
No worries if you can't. This is why we raised Food, after all.