Pete, I swear I'm making you use the phrase "veritable fuckton" in a sentence the next time I see you, which I will record and turn into a ring tone.
Gaming 1: You are likely to be eaten by a grue
A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
Yeah, the "room" had about a dozen of them. I was afraid to shoot with all the flammable barrels.
- ETA: a dozen on the easy setting.
Sean, I've said that in real life quite often, FWIW. I don't suppose you're coming to F2F are you?
Omnis, I tried it on the hardest setting. Hilarity. Actually, ducking into a recessed corner and shooting one of the central barrels sets off a chain reaction which'll deal with 80% of the manhacks.
What you do is climb the ladder attached to the vertical pipes until you are above some horizontal pipes. Jump onto those pipes and follow them left. There will come a point where you have to crouch to clear some overhead pipes. Then you can jump onto the walkway and into the next room where you'll have to find a valve to flood the rooms.
Ahhh, a valve. Ya, that makes sense. I'll give that a whirl when I get home tonight.
I was afraid of blowing my self up, so I crawled into a corner and wacked at the manhunts with the crowbar. Not too much damage. They seem to shred you more than shoot.
Pete, my plan was to attend F2F, but I'm now working that weekend. Sadly.
Still, can't argue with paying the bills.
*Eyes large list of 'Shit to get done'*
:: nods with Pete regarding Sean ::
Pete, I'm so glad I followed your advice to buy Orange Box! Pretty cool game. And it might sound hokey, but the coolest feature is you can save at any time!! I like how you need to think to get past obstacles (wash machine counter weight!).
Last night we had a card game night over a Drew & Kristin's (Kristin was, unfortunately, out of town, but other firends were over).
We played Apples to Apples, which is fun, despite the fact that it's about the most arbitrary game ever.
Then we played a couple of games of Zombie Fluxx. I have decided that Fluxx (especially Zombie Fluxx) is just a stupid ridiculous amount of fun.
For those who don't know, Fluxx is a card game where every single card changes the game somehow. It's very silly and fun. And it's a game that can sometimes feel like it's NEVER going to end, and then suddenly someone has won.
I hate Apples to Apples. Subjective games and me are definitely non-mixy things.
I also played Zombie Fluxx at the K&D household. I keep forgetting I need to buy that. It is very fun.
Fluxx moves too fast. Not in a bad way, but the German side of me that likes order and rules gets a little flummoxed playing it. It won't keep me from playing, mind you. Just messes with my head.