We played Tigris & Euphrates tonight with sparky DH and it was awesome fun.
Gaming 1: You are likely to be eaten by a grue
A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
Oh dear.
So ND just set me up with an XBox Live account, which meant that my normal gamertag (Pixie) needed to be updated since it's long been taken online. XBox Live generated some...interesting...possibilities:
First, it provided variations on Pixie, such as:
- TastelessPixie
- Soluable Pixie
- SpaceyPixie
- ColossalPixie
- BossyPixie
- FolkloricPixie
- VexedPixie
- BourgeoisPixie
- ManlikePixie
Then it just got weird.
- UntenableSwine
- UnivocalWhale
- TalentedLeopard
- SauciestGrain
- WaterlessJeans
- CluelessAnt
- CelestialDuck
- ProximateWeevil
- AimelessEmu
- WilierPants
- InformalDwarf
- SloshyCashew
- SparkyTeacher (don't ask me how it knew)
- TwirlyGroundhog
- PertQuasar
- NonprofitRug
- MottledPuma
- MuffledPython
- SerratedCrayon
- UnsavoryBus
- AthleticMango
- PigheadedWig
- FoamingLettuce
- PrelaunchAmoeba
- BedsidePoem
- UvealComa
- FlusherCookie
- BounciestFeline
- ShellyAmpersand
- SaucyNebula
- VaguerDeer
- StingiestRhyme
- CyanoticLlama
- RecalledOrphan
- VigorousGnu
- MustyBigfoot
- ArduousCarcass
- DactylicSquash
- PerkyCroissant
- MotivatedGibbon
- CrispierPorpoise
- IrateCheese
I don't even know how to pick my favorite. ND thinks that b.org should have a random name generator like this for newbies. I'm inclined to agree.
Oh lord. I haven't laughed that long and hard in a long time.
Seriously! We couldn't stop asking it for more suggestions because they just kept getting funnier!
FoamingLettuce!! Tell me you picked Foaming Lettuce!!!!
Nudge! Nudge! Wink! Wink! Say. No. More!
I kinda love ProximateWeevil though.
If b.org had this name generator I would surely change my name.
FoamingLettuce is interesting as are they all, but I'd go with FoamyPixie.
Those names are AMAZING. I like DactylicSquash. Among others.
And UntenableSwine sounds like a good epithet. Like, "Goddamn you, untenable swine!"
I'm soooooo using 'untenable swine' now.