Polter-Cow, me. It's so simple and gloriously designed it's, well, glorious.
Gaming 1: You are likely to be eaten by a grue
A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
I spent all night playing it. There was a lot of "This is IMPOSSIBLE!!!" followed by "My my, that was a clever puzzle."
Imagine my amusement that omnis was the first person listed.Huh what? I'm listed where? Do I know your cousin? So confused.
She clicked on the RPG video games link on her cousin's FB profile. That finds other people you may know who are also interested in whatever.
You were first.
My Xbox360 is randomly freezing. One time it showed three rings of red, but just that once. Tech supports answer: unplug all cables and hard drive for an hour. Reconnect. If problem persists, call back. I guess 1 hour is the time it takes to cool down, even thought I told him it's cool, as I had just tried to power it up when it made strange sound and frooze.
:: grumble grumble ::
I think an hour is when he gets off his shift and someone else has to take the call the next time.
That's fine with me, he sounded like a trainee.
Omnis, pretty much all of them sound like trainees. Or outright idiots.
Really, I had a hell of a time when I had to send my Xbox in. The actual shipping, repair, return were fine but talking to people there was a real headache.
Good to know. So after that hour wait, wouldn't ya know, it played a movie just fine. Of course the problem is intermittant, so we'll see how it goes the next time I use it. I used to have it horizontal in the rack (plenty of airflow). Now it's vertical outside of the rack. I doubt it was a heat issue. It's at the bottom of the rack in the only exterior/exterior corner of the apartment. It's just chilly over there.
Funnily enough, mine started random freezing in November. No red rings, just total lock up. It did it pretty consistently within 5 minutes of launch, so after relaunching three times, I called to get it repaired.
After getting them to finally issue a case number, I decided to turn the Xbox on again and see what happened. Wouldn't you know, it ran fine for 5 days before crapping out again. So, with that I used the emailed mailing slip and got it sent on its way.
Since I'd discovered that the machine could go days without freezing again, I decided to ring back customer support and update the case file because I didn't want the engineers to return it to me because they'd run it for a day and it hadn't crashed. Well, OMG, apparently updating a case file is, like, totally freaking OUT THERE as the whole notion completely confused the person I called...
( 3 minutes or so into the converation )
Them: "So you want to cancel your service order?"
Me: "No. I just want to update the case file. I want to give more information about what's happening with my box."
Them: " You want to know what's happening with your box?? Our records show we haven't received it yet."
Me: "No. I want to add more information to what is wrong with my box."
This went on. Of course, it's nothing compared to the fact that when they mailed my Xbox back they completely failed to furnish me with a tracking number, and I had to go up the chain to a manager who admitted they didn't know why there wasn't a number. He also promised to look into the employee who on a previous call had given me a completely fictional tracking number when I inquired about the missing number. Perhaps I scared her.
In conclusion: Good luck.
That may be my longest post on B.org ever.