I think everybody may be moving in with Laura now. I know I'm packing my things.
Psst, Sean. Standing right here. With Drew's FIVE gaming systems. IJS. (Plus, I kinda miss you, silly goose.)
A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
I think everybody may be moving in with Laura now. I know I'm packing my things.
Psst, Sean. Standing right here. With Drew's FIVE gaming systems. IJS. (Plus, I kinda miss you, silly goose.)
Do we have five? I guess if we count the old PS2 and XBox then we do.
Yes, yes we do. Hence the dirty look you got when you brought home the PS3 last month.
It's an excellent Blu-Ray player.
You two are so cute.
I'm a sucker for platformers (I never really got much beyond the Mario and Sonic schools of gaming, except for a brief semester-long fling with Zelda: Ocarina of Time) and that combined with the challenges of the physics simulators in this game, plus the adorable graphics and customization options, would be awesome enough--if the whole user-created levels option didn't make it a million times better.
It's a little scary how many hours can go by when Pete and I play, without even acknowledging the passage of time.
Yes, LBP is a time-suck of epic proportions AIFG!
Hey guys, I'm looking for a little help. Wallybee is of a mind to buy me a board game for Christmas (shock!). I'm looking at either Agricola or the Battlestar Galactica boardgame. (BTW, with the fall in the Aussie dollar, either choice now costs in the order of A$140 here.) Agricola has the advantage that you can play with two people, and I am impressed with comments that you do get caught up in the internal game logic rather than feeling like you're just maximising arbitrary VPs, for most of the game at least - but the BSG session reports sound like such fun, and just the sort of thing I'd enjoy.
So, since I've played neither, I was wondering if anyone else here has, and had an opinion? Thanks in advance.
I've played The Gric, and in fact we're having Agricola Day tomorrow. I notice it's shot up to #1 on boardgamegeek. I'm not entirely sure why, but I like it quite a bit. It is fine with two people, although better with 3 or 4. And it's cute! And you really are doing internal game stuff.
There's a little bit of a learning curve, and a whole lotta setup (not quite as bad as Puerto Rico).
We just ordered BSG for a friend (who idolizes Roslyn and Cain, but that's another story), so I haven't played it yet. I HAVE played Shadows over Camelot, so I was pretty much sold by the review that said BSG was similar except the traitor mechanic worked better (that's game mechanic, not viper mechanic). And, you know, pretty pictures of pretty people.
Kevin, re
I've made the mistake of giving my character skills which revolve around sneaking and stealing, and in a post apocalyptic world those aren't the most useful skills ever.
I refer you to Zero Punctuation: [link]
Raq, okay, you've made me feel better about my skill set choice now. I just need to start stealin' stuff, methinks.
I have to admit, the game looks AMAZING, but I'm struggling to figure out what to do in it. I can't progress the main quest because I'm a weakling, and I can't blow up the bomb thing in Megatron 'cos I can't have the skills.