Fred: So you don't worry that it's possible for someone to send out a biological or electronic trigger that effectively overrides your own sense of ideals and values and replaces them with an alternative coercive agenda that reduces you to a mindless meat puppet? Shopkeeper: Wow. People used to think that I was paranoid.

'Time Bomb'

Gaming 1: You are likely to be eaten by a grue

A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.

PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.

Connie Neil - Apr 25, 2008 6:01:49 am PDT #115 of 26132

Burnout Revenge sounds like it would appeal to our friend Troy, who cannot be trusted to play multi-person shooter games, as his favorite thing to do is hide around corners and frag his teammates. I remember many evenings hearing "DAMMIT, TROY!" coming from the gamers.

Miracleman - Apr 25, 2008 6:11:56 am PDT #116 of 26132
No, I don't think I will - me, quoting Captain Steve Rogers, to all of 2020

Man...I was just browsing the SR4 site (as I had mentioned the game in an earlier post)...and now I kinda wanna play SR4.


CaBil - Apr 25, 2008 6:21:59 am PDT #117 of 26132
Remember, remember/the fifth of November/the Gunpowder Treason and Plot/I see no reason/Why Gunpowder Treason/Should ever be forgot.

Yes, and you need to buy Arsenal , and try out the vehicle, drone and weapon accessory and mod rules!

What? I don't got royalties and I turned in my manuscript two years ago now. It would be nice if I could find out if at least one other person on the planet has read them...

Volans - Apr 25, 2008 6:24:34 am PDT #118 of 26132
move out and draw fire

Jess, you must go to travelswithchild and write up the WGTG right now! That's excellent!

Another topic: Rumors of WOTC's "fair use" rules: [link]

billytea, we should be co-located. The DH and I have only been able to play War of the Ring a couple times - the figures are irresistible for the toddler. I have managed to lose as the Fellowship, sadly.

Empress and MM, we should be co-located. There are Rock Band and gaming days every weekend at our house.

Jessica - Apr 25, 2008 6:25:51 am PDT #119 of 26132
If I want to become a cloud of bats, does each bat need a separate vaccination?

Jess, you must go to travelswithchild and write up the WGTG right now! That's excellent!

Oh, thank you!

Miracleman - Apr 25, 2008 6:32:18 am PDT #120 of 26132
No, I don't think I will - me, quoting Captain Steve Rogers, to all of 2020

Empress and MM, we should be co-located. There are Rock Band and gaming days every weekend at our house.

We're sort of starting a local tradition with our friends here, but the more the merrier.

Where are youse guys again?

megan walker - Apr 25, 2008 6:49:52 am PDT #121 of 26132
"What kind of magical sunshine and lollipop world do you live in? Because you need to be medicated."-SFist

The DH and I have only been able to play War of the Ring a couple times - the figures are irresistible for the toddler. I have managed to lose as the Fellowship, sadly.

This is why we had to abandon LoTR Risk the other night. Mathilda was having too much fun with the pieces.

Rob - Apr 25, 2008 6:51:01 am PDT #122 of 26132

My brother and I played WotR via email, using Cyberboard, a number of times. I really like the way it captures the flavor of the Lord of the Rings.

Fred Pete - Apr 25, 2008 7:34:41 am PDT #123 of 26132
Ann, that's a ferret.

It's an online tabletop RPG facilitator. And I think you can configure it for a variety of games,

A friend of mine did that with the Runequest system. Came up with the greatest scenarios, including an Indiana Jones-type setting.

And agreed that Kingmaker has its issues, though I'd call it stalemate rather than balance. Grab an heir, figure out your base, and stay there.

Rail Baron is loads of fun. And inspiration for the exchange:

Player: Oh, no. I have to go to Miami.
Owner of Seaboard Airline: No. You mean MY-ami.

The only political board game I ever really played was Campaign Trail, which was from -- maybe Game Designers' Workshop? Great job of pulling the elements of a political campaign while allowing them to be combined in the most unlikely ways. (Tagline from that one: You can always get to Chicago.)

Sean K - Apr 25, 2008 7:38:59 am PDT #124 of 26132
You can't leave me to my own devices; my devices are Nap and Eat. -Zenkitty

LOTR Risk is an AWESOME game. Great variation on the basic Risk game.

Another topic: Rumors of WOTC's "fair use" rules: [link]

So after two years of promising they would not being poisoning the waters, WotC is going to do exactly that. Nice.

On the subject of long board games, I have several favorites that I have not played in so very, very long.

First and foremost is Civilization. I miss that game SO MUCH. And I no longer have a copy. I have every now and again found copies of Civ and CivII (an expansion game) on Ebay for about $60, but always when I couldn't actually afford it.

It's a fun, fun, fun game, and very similar to the Sid Myer video game. In fact, there's a board game version of the Sid Myer game, but I've never played it, so I don't know too much about it.

Anyway, in the original board game, you play one of the early human cultures -- Egyptian, Assyrian, Roman, Greek (among others that I forget). The playing board consists of a map of Europe, Northern Africa, and the nearer parts of Asia and Asia Minor. There is also a timeline that starts at the very dawn of civilization and moves in turns, through various epochs of human history -- Early Stone Age, Late Stone Age, Early Bronze Age, and so on...

Each turn, your people are fruitful and multiply (whether you like it or not, usually not). Then you have the opportunity to move some of your TOO MANY MOUTHS TO FEED to nearby territories in the hopes of (temporarily) relieving the TO MANY MOUTHS TO FEED problem. You also collect a small hand of trade good cards to trade with other players, in the hopes of collecting sets. Once you collected a certain number of sets, you could trade them in to gain Civilization cards.

The Civilization cards were things like Writing, or Granary, or Mysticism, or Charioteering (okay, I really don't remember what a lot of those were, but they ranged across a variety of subjects). All of these were ways to increase your civilization, and generally try to help solve the TOO MANY MOUTHS TO FEED problem. There were occasionally riots and natural disasters and other things like that, that while they would set you back in the game, would also alleviate the TOO MANY MOUTHS TO FEED problem. For a little while.

Also, there were various requirements (in the form of mandatory Civilization card possession) in order to enter a new epoch, so sooner or later, everyone bounced off a particular epoch, and lagged behind.

The game ended at the Iron Age or some such. It was possible to be taken out of the game completely. Then, if there was a civil war in somebody else's civilization later, you could reenter the game by taking over her splinter faction.

Man, I miss that game.

Then there's this game I mentioned called Republic of Rome. It's a lot of fun, too. Each player plays a faction of early Roman Republic political families, with between three, four and five cards, representing the individual families. And these are historic families, like the Julii, the Fulvii, the Cornelii, the Sulpicii, the Aurelii, and so on.

Each turn, you start by drawing a mortality chit, to possibly kill one family scion. Then each player takes turn collecting money and taxes (a big part of the game is generating revenue to pay for the things you want to do). Then, after you've taken a series of action to increase your influence, you check the level of unrest among the people.

Once all that is done each turn, the real meat and fun of the game begins. One family representative is elected Consul of the Senate for the year, and the session is open. It is at this point that the game becomes very political, as you try and win offices and increase your prestige, avoid censure, pass land bills to appease the people, assign governorships to various people (sometimes with their blessing, sometimes against their will), and otherwise try to steer the ship of early Roman State.

This is far trickier than is sounds, because not only are there so many factors working against you (Carthage, for example), the object of the game is for one (continued...)