yeah you can look like anything! One regular in the London sims is usually a spacecraft of some kind. He's been the Enterprise lately. Another is usually a black cat (four legged kind) or a gecko. He says he gets a lot of attention as a cat.
In the Bingo re enactment picture that's the back of my avatar's head with the mohawk.
grits teeth
I will not sign up for Second Life as a cat. No.
To get a decent cat avatar you haev to spend RL money.
Is that enough to keep you away from Second Life?
Is it bad that I first read that as cadaver?
Is that enough to keep you away from Second Life?
Yep. I don't even want to spend money in THIS life.
On a tulip field safari, surprised by snow geese, account here.
That is so lovely, Beverly.
Did you ever read The Snow Goose? I used to read it over and over again when I was a kid.
Thank you!
I went through a Paul Gallico phase and read everything of his I could get my hands on, including The Snow Goose, and The Silent Meow. It still thrills me a little bit to see snow geese, and swans--both birds from fairytales and stories, since I didn't grow up with them.
Yes, I know what you mean, Bev. Definitely fairy tales.
Double standards and gender. All I'm going to say. ARGH.