Any of our Buffista authors ever epublished a Kindle book? I'm specifically curious whether the author has any way of knowing who's purchased their book? I'm assuming (and hoping) no. A semi-friend has published an urban fantasy (angels in this one) and it's...not good. I really don't want her to ever ask what I thought of it - I'm not sure I could come up with enough "interesting concept"-type comments to keep me away from the weak grammar, adjective abuse and beat-you-over-the-head names of the characters (Seriously - Ananiah Immaculada? Professor Dhampir? Ms. Seraph? Seriously?) I wanted to like it - I know her from church, and I respect her trying to create a "clean" urban fantasy. I'd just love to know who decreed that "Christian" fiction is always so poorly executed.
Note: I'm actually only 2 chapters in, so I suppose it could still turn around...but I'm not hopeful.