Drabble prompts:
A woman, standing at a counter, stares out the window.
An elderly man takes off his hat and opens the door; from inside, lights flare and music floods the street.
A young man and a middle-aged woman, arm in arm, square their shoulders and take a deep breath. Looking at each other, they step across...
These are great, Liese.
I will admit the first one takes me right to "Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town," though!
If you subscribe to Asimov's, next issue has a short story from me in there.
For myself, however, I'm beginning to think I've said all I've got to say, even though I haven't published that much. Fifteen rejections in a row really make you wonder that.
Erika, In a row rejections are evil and I hate what they can do to your drive.
If it helps, I can tell you from reading for a magazine for over a year that the numbers are brutal and you should keep trying, keep writing new things, as much as you can, if that is what you want to do.
I know cold streaks happen, but this one seems exceptionally long and has left me feeling as though I don't know my own work.(I sent out a bunch of work over the last six months or so hoping to be desensitized, but it seems to have had the opposite effect.)
Maybe try something different? Write what means the most to you, instead of writing for a market, or write something you always told yourself you couldn't. Sometimes you just need to break out of a rut.