Go, you writing people! Go! You can do it!
I just sent the completed draft for the novel I've been working on to my agent. I made my self-imposed deadline of sending it to her by my birthday, whoo!
Now to nervously wait for feedback. (She liked the 1/3 of it she'd seen before. I'm trying to reassure myself with that memory.)
Woo, Jilli! That is wonderful!
I haven't even opened Scrivener and November is half over. Oh well.
Congrats, Jilli!
I haven't gotten much writing done this month, what with work and memorial and obits and such. But I did some! And hope to do more after tomorrow, and before the next paper set hits me on, er, Wednesday.
I was planning on using one of my old WIPs (that I'd like to work on some more/re-work, whatever) to learn how to use Scrivener, Sox. And probably will, eventually, but I'm having a hard time carving out the time right now.
I took out a bunch of books from the library for research, and handwrote three legal pages of a scene today. Whoo.
Turned around latest edits from agent and worked on reducing the word count. Things are looking good and I think we'll finally be ready for submission before too long. It's been an educational process in a good way.
There's an xmas horror-dark fantasy-sf themed flash fiction contest going on over thisway, should anyone want to try their hand: [link]
Plotty people, I need some thoughts here. As you may or may not know, I'm writing a novel about a soul musician, his friend's murder, and, as a sort of B story, he's trying to track down a sort of "forgotten" concept album he worked on long ago that the hard-core geeks are always asking him about(Picture if Marvin Gaye's "Here, My Dear" and Brian Wilson's "Smile" had an album-baby) He's about to ask a former crush if she has it, but she ends up smacked around with a rifled hotel room because it's a mystery and tropey as that is, it doesn't hurt to have a second act of violence in Act Two...however, aside from that, the muses didn't leave much of a motive...why might someone do that?
Does the album have any sort of secret coded messages in it? Or maybe a song with hidden meanings, like it's really about an old flame who doesn't want that song heard by ANYONE EVER?