I'm done with the first pass in my latest round of revisions of Cog. While that sounds minor, this was a lot of work. I removed a couple of chapters and added a couple of chapters and made other tweaks all over the place. The second pass will just be cleanup. My new chapter lineup:
Abigail's Return;
Meet the Blackburns;
Charity, Grace, and Lies;
The Birkenhead;
Miss Renholtz;
The Steel Tower;
Master Mackler;
Paradar Plaza;
Esmond's Emporium;
The Shinkerator;
The New Roommate;
The Workshop;
Queen's Hall;
The Automaton;
In the Dark;
Last Stand
Jeebus, Gud, that's a lot of revisionating. ::pushing all the chocolate through the intertubes to you::
Thanks for the chocolate. Hopefully the next round won't require as much surgery.
Amazon introduces Kindle Worlds: [link]
So to recap, Amazon just MONETIZED FREAKING FANFIC
They're not the first ones to try. I'm interested to see how it will shake out with the various restrictions attached.
Maybe I should start watching Vampire Diaries.
Don't do it, Amy. Trust me.
Does that mean that if you now write TVD fanfic and get monetised any other way you're specifically violating copyright? And maybe if you don't get money at all?
From what I hear from someone who works there, Alloy Entertainment is not exactly the nicest of publishers. And now they have even more leverage to treat their authors and editors like crap.
Alloy does a lot of packaging, and they're very bottom-line oriented. A lot of those series were developed in house and farmed out to contract writers.