[Rather longer than a proper drabble, I fear...]
"Step on a--"
That was the chant they'd sung, out there in the world, dappled by the sunlight through the oak leaves. Chalk lines and drawings marked the boundaries of their universe, so much bigger in their imaginations than in the flesh.
"Step on a--"
Now, her world is but darkness, one pace in each direction. Her mouth is dry with thirst, legs shaky with weakness. Her eyes, desperate for stimulation, invent stars and galaxies that swim across her vision.
But after the last feeding, she felt the earth shake, and heard something move in the wall. So she feels her way around the tiny space, touching every inch of the surfaces she can reach. Just in case something was knocked loose.
"Step on a--"
Her right hand catches on an irregularity, a ragged slot where before had been chill hard smoothness.
She slides a hand in, all the way to her knuckles. Now the other. She braces her feet, locks her elbows, and heaves.
Light streams through.
"Step on a crack, break your mother's back--"
And she is out.
Wow, Consuela, that pucks a punch.
Wow. I like both of those a lot.
Three more chapters to review and I'll start submitting Cog, finally. Just gotta take some deep breaths and get ready for the rejections.
I stand up slowly, knowing what my knees are about--
I turn quickly, without bracing my feet proper--
Hubby jerks his neck sharply, intentionally
He freezes, his eyes big. I barely keep myself from reaching for the phone and 911, wondering how I'm going to make room through the living room for the ambulance gurney.
He sighs and smiles, some of the pain lines easing. "Finally that's back in place," he says. He grins at my worry and shifts his shoulder.
eeee ... that made me laugh and wince, pretty much equally
I think it's ironic I've got nothing for this one...maybe it's my subconscious' way of proving that Crime Girl has layers.
Not a drabble, and not related to the prompt, but:
CSI: 1502
"Brother Brown, have finished the sketch of what Sister Brady deduced the murder looked like?"
"Aye, Brother Russel."
"Make now another sketch, of the right cheek only, showing the mole upon it in the most minute detail."