Ginger, I love you. I went to an adaptation of Dracula put on by one of the better local community theatres a few months back. There were so many anachronisms and other problems that I finally had to pull out a pad of paper and start taking notes (because if I write it down, I can then let it go, otherwise my brain keeps worrying at it like a dog with a bone). Luckily, the friend I was with was just amused. I assume the other people near us assumed I was a reporter. Anyway, my point is, It's Not Just Me, Yay! Thank you for reassuring me that I'm not crazy. Or, at least not alone.
But seriously, "Dime-store cross"! What's a "dime" in Victorian England?
Oh, you're not alone.
Shrieks Aloud At Historical Movies, Even Though She Knows Better
I love me some good fact checking. o yes.
I am now three days behind on blogging as a NaNo adjacent person -- do you see why NaNo doesn't work for me? I suck.
BUT. I had some really nice news recently, from a couple different people. A bunch of people have read the first book in the YA series I was writing when I first joined the board! It became a huge nightmare, and I stopped writing it, although it continued without me, and also failed pretty well, saleswise. But people had read it! And really loved the first book, which I did write! So that was pretty nice to hear.
For some mad reason, I am live-updating my writing progress tonight over on FB. 1,120 words in 90ish minutes. Yay? Apparently public accountability motivates me.
Jilli, I can't wait to see this novel, so I'm very excited that you're working on it. Because I want to see it!
Thank you!
My agent also wants to see it, which simultaneously excites and terrifies me. (She informed me that now that she's on Twitter, anything I say on there about working on the project is a "contract", and she has free rein to nag me about progress. Then she giggled at me. My agent? Kinda awesome.)
Dude. Your agent is badass. Heh.
I just did a Twitter chat with my editor, and it was ninety minutes of pure torture. Except for me and my editor texting each other snark privately throughout. That was awesome.
One more LOL in the chat, though, and I was going to lose it.
Dude. Your agent is badass. Heh.
Oh, she totally is. I wish I could go out for coffee with her on a more frequent basis.
One more LOL in the chat, though, and I was going to lose it.
Ouch! My sympathies.
Jilli! When you have more words, I wants them! WANTS THEM! Ahem.