I decided to sign up just this morning, Liese! Dooo eeeet!!
Because I need to spark creativity in my life in general. I haven't explored yet, but my username over there is jenbefore.
I have such envy of and admiration for storytellers. You people with the characters, and the plotting, and the world building, and the... storytelling! I just don't even know.
Okay okay! I am so susceptible to peer pressure! None of you offer me any drugs, okay? I signed up. I even gave myself a randomized title. But I don't know how to add you as writing buddies! What do I do?
search on our usernames - once search isn't borked anymore
I'll hereby declare myself with Amy: a post a day. For any number of personal and professional reasons, I need to practice the form and figure out what works for me. I imagine this month will be all over the map. I am working on putting up a WordPress blog, but I'll start on LJ, because if I wait until all the stars align, I'll be the world's oldest blogger.
I will try not to make it all about the dog.
eta: Should I sign up, even though I'm not writing a novel, at least not this year?
I keep thinking I'm going to use NaNo to finish the big fic I've been doing for years, but I never do.
Okay okay! I am so susceptible to peer pressure!
Woo hoo! Ahem. Depending on the peers, that is.
Ginger, if for nothing else, there's a progress tracker and stuff, right? Plus, your writing buddies [insert cheesy grin].
but I never do
This might be your year.
(No, I have no idea why I'm suddenly in here pom-pomming my way through a thread I usually just lurk in. I'll return you to your regularly scheduled programming soon.)
Where's the signup?
Just...for curiosity's sake, yeah?
I signed up as tskaredoff.
Bev: [link]