There's actually not going to be a book three. Not about Wren, anyway. I've told Wren's story now, and I'm ready to write something new. I think, honestly, I was sort of done with Wren's story at the end of Cold Kiss, in that it was a story I really needed to tell. The new book is definitely one I was asked to tell, which is a different thing.
Not that I don't like it, but it was harder to figure out what the story would be, when it wasn't part of the original idea for me.
Especially if the cover rocks it like Cold Kiss.
Thanks! I think the cover is beautiful, but what they do with the second one is making me nervous. I know they want to echo the general idea, using a different element (i.e. not a mouth, obviously), and shift the palette. And that's where I'm nervous -- if you think about it, there aren't a lot of other places to go. A cool pink will probably be too girly and too young, orange and yellow are out, because there's nothing paranormal or angsty about them, and gray won't pop.
The color now straddles blue and green so evenly, I don't think they could go one way or the other with that, which leaves purple. Which ... could work, I guess.
Silvery might be a choice, though. Hmmm.