Yeah, the sentence you mentioned was giving me fits, and ITA agree about the first section of the essay. I love the latter half -- that's where is gels, I think -- but the beginning is where I started noodling and ended up with my metaphor going where I wanted it.
Fabulous. I thought I needed to re-work the beginning. I'm gonna let it sit for a bit, and toy with it -- I have to learn how to write a query letter first, anyway! And my brane is ded today, anyway.
Thanks for the feedback!
Glad to help, babe! It's a great piece.
Woo! Let's hope someone gives me filthy lucre for it eventually. After revisions.
Brane still ded. Going to bed early tonight
This was definitely a surprise to see in my editor's tweets. Yikes!
Yay!! (And I want those earrings.)
Super yay! And yeah, that's a gorgeous photo.
Aw, thank you. I think I look sort of pinched and wan there, but it's better than most pictures of me!
The earrings were H&M a couple years back, and I LOVE them. I have a matching necklace!
pinched and wan
I think you mean a writerly pale and aesthete...