Dream last night: book series (soon to be a BBC mini-series) "The Tragic Detective"about a woman who solves a crime, dies young and who we then meet in her next reincarnation. (The meta of the "dying young" thing is so that she can be born as many times as possible in a century.)
More of a series gimmick than a real shaper of series content, but if it appeals, help yourself.
Man, Typo, your dreams are so detailed...all I ever get is a train going through a tunnel.
I shouldn't have watched Michael Collins before a bunch of royal wedding stuff & then gone to bed tipsy. I dreampt there was a bloody battle in front of Westminster Abbey concerning virginity and wedding rings.
Hi Erika. This may be obsolete but is the explanation I was given: all we get during sleep are disconnected images, but we tell ourself stories as we wake up. A longer twilight period between sleeping and waking means more detailed stories.
Come to think of it, no great surprise to anyone who has interacted with me that I spend more time in the twilight zone than your average bear.
Cog continues to grind away. I just hit the theoretical 2/3 point of the rough draft at 50,000 words. I got derailed when a bunch of bad stuff all happened at once, but I've gotten it going once again.
Good to hear, Gud!
I, on the other hand, am rethinking half of what I have for the book that was already due, and wondering how quickly I can rewrite.
I'm in a really fun part of the story where the moral is "Don't make deals with pixies."
Hee. Should be a tagline.