Barb, what you described sounded more, to me, like Total Recall or a virtual reality video game, except with probabilities, so that a projectionist could create a scenario for someone to walk through and explore and see what might happen based on what he or she did.
That's actually a pretty apt comparison, Deena.
That's a good queue to have.
That's a good queue to have.
No kidding.
And to think, a month or so ago, I was lamenting that I had no new ideas and was freaking out that the well had run dry.
Also, if any ideas wrt to this bunny occur to me, I think I'm going to do exactly what you suggested, because ultimately, my stuff ends up so character driven, rather than world or overall plot driven, I suspect that how characters react to scenarios is really the key to finding the plot for me.
Amy caught me falling in love with my technology a while back and reminded me of this plan. I approve of it.
I finished a Philosophy of Thieves, and found it an entertaining and interesting piece. I'll work on notes next. Today was a difficult day, multiple plumbing issues.
(ok, arbitrarily moving this away from Bitches and the relationship conversation, but...)
a. I must have loaned out my CSU book.
2. The work manual for Homicide detective says 2 things about eyes of bodies that I could find.
Eyes become cloudy within eight to ten hours of death.
And "an experienced investigator" can often look in someone's eyes and know they are about to die.
Neither one is what Barb wanted but I thought they were worth posting about.
I had to research decomposition once, for a YA series. It was sort of fun, actually.
Not as much fun was researching slaughterhouses. No one wanted to tell me how the cows were actually killed.
Thanks erika. I'll keep digging (ha, bad death humor) to get info.
Cog is chugging alone nicely. I've got 8 chapters and 17,500 words. The first chapter will probably need a full rewrite and turn into two chapters (it rushes through things too much and there's a lot of past perfect tense), but it's a rough draft so I'm not sweating it much.
So far beta readers have really liked it, the same ones who were willing to tell me when things didn't work in my first novel. I'm feeling good about it as well.