Typo, I meant to say earlier that I think I can beta, particularly if it's something I can do while escaping my family at Christmas. I wouldn't be the average reader, since it's in my area of expertise, but I might be helpful.
eta: One of my skills as an editor is finding shorter ways to say things, so if it turns out you need to shorten, I can probably help. (I'm much better at shortening other people's stuff than my own.)
Terrific! Thanks very much. I'll definitely send you a copy as soon as I've made a couple of self-editing passes. Not guaranteeing Xmas.
Excellent Typo.
I've made another pass over chapters 1 - 2 and soon over 3. I also have a synopsis that I need to do more reviewing of. The first round of submitting should be the beginning of the year.
I also downloaded my short story off of iBooks last night. It's fun to be in Apple's online book store even if it isn't an accomplishment.
So I seem to have written a novel. Or the first draft of one, anyway. I'm a little startled that I managed to finish the thing; I am not so great with the follow-through usually.
Go you, Holli!
I'm enjoying the stories you linked for download the other day, by the way. Well, I've just read the first one thus far, but I quite liked it and am looking forward to the rest
Oh, I'm glad you like it! Those stories were kind of my warm-up for finishing the novel.
Congrats, Holli! In finishing, you've just done what 99.9% of the people who say they're going to write a novel never actually manage to do! Well done!
Congrats Holli!
It looks like next week I'll be sending out my first queries. It's just about game time.
Bother, the Sony Reader Store has my short story up, but they've got an author bio for a different person. No, I'm not the person who wrote "Thunderstruck" and "Devil in the White City". Cripes. The pitfalls of using your actual name.