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Porridge Trek commences with Cream of Rice which (the box informs me) is often baby’s first food. So the possibility exists that I’ve already had it but asking Mom may not result in a definitive answer. Suffice to say I don’t recall having eaten it before.
It’s a new preparation for me. I’ve never had to stir in a grain with a wire whisk, return it to a boil, then simmer for a mere 30 seconds. At the moment my breakfast is well past the one minute standing time directed by the box. I have selected a large mug for today’s pioneer dish.
First impression upon spooning the porridge into the mug: paste.
First impression upon taste: o hai grits, why for you no has crunchies?
Yeah, if you served me this without explanation I would think I had some grits right here.
Conclusion: not my favorite. Wants butter & salt or, even better, cheese and bacon.