Well, my story 'Sarah' got second place in its little contest (8 entries on a fairly small website). The first place story just got sold to a magazine that pays pro rates so I don't feel bad coming in second. Now to edit 'Sarah' and figure out this whole short story submission process.
My novel is moving along too. I'm about a quarter of the way though my next to last revision. The last one will just be about hunting down grammar errors and too-weak sentences so hopefully it won't take really long. It's not like I'm not trying to weed them out this time as well.
Thanks, all. Sometimes I feel like such a bitch being snarky about the NaNoWriMo ethos. Because if there is one thing I would tell high-school me, it is "if somebody's having fun and not hurting people they don't need you to rank on it."
But then I go down to the site and it's all "First paragraph...group hug!1" and I wonder why I thought it would be different this time.
Every year I contemplate doing NaNoWriMo, and every year I chicken out. I've always written well in terms of essays and assignments where I have a clear topic assigned, but I've never been one to be able to come up with plots and characters. I frequently wish that we still had one of our old computers lying around; I know I wrote a 100 or so page story when I was in high school that I thought was brilliant at the time, and now I couldn't even tell you what it was about. I think there was a castle.
You're probably better off, zuisa. I still have the beast I wrote when I was 15 and it's terrrible.
I have a negotiating letter to send to a publisher with some objections. I have concerns both that I'm not always good at tact, and also that even though each objection is individually reasonable, there may be too many.
Anyone willing to look at it for me justing giving advice as to tact level and thoughts on negotiating approach?
Gar - profile addy still good.
Gar, I can. My profile address is the one to use. Tomorrow, though -- I'm a bit sleepy for it tonight.
Thanks very much Amy. Its been sent, but definitely will wait until you are ready to look at it.
Bruce Baugh at Making Light posts on serial comma's vital necessity. [link] . I don't know: RPSers might choose to leave it the way it is.
Turned down a Guardian article commission because the PhD is taking up all my waking hours at the moment. Hoping it's not a bad move. But I'm encouraged that they're giving me fairly regular commissions!
zuisa, I get irritated that I can't write fiction, too. I have plays in my head (they're always plays, being the future wife of a theatre geek), but they don't go anywhere. It would be fine if I were Beckett. I am not.
Congrats on the short story success, Gud!
It would be fine if I were Beckett. I am not.
Haha. I sort of find I have the same problem. I've tried to write plays a few times and I generally find it even more difficult than writing stories. I am also a huge theatre geek, so this tends to make me sad.