This is my new short story (near future SciFi), and I'm thinking about maybe trying to do something with it. The topic for the challenge was leaving off with a choice.
If anyone happens to be curious or needs to kill a little time. About 7,000 words. It hasn't been completely polished up yet.
The password is 'foamy'
Gud, that's a real nice piece of writing! Thanks for sharing. Let me know if you're looking for comments, and I'll be happy to send.
Thanks. Comments would be great if it's not too much trouble. This is the first thing I might give a go at submitting and I need to polish it up.
Gud, awesome short! I love the way you left it hanging. Gives me goose bumps.
Thanks Sail, and thanks Wolfram. I got an idea from reading your comments that I think will work to solve a problem!
....and I think the idea will work now that's it written in.
I think I can get Sarah whipped into shape and ready for submission by mid-October.
I got second place in the little contest of the little SciFi and Fantasy board I'm on with 'Discipline'. It's only out of 10 total stories but being what I consider my first real short story and, as per the rules, done with no feedback it still feels pretty good. It makes me feel like I can trust my editing even if feedback is still crucial to really finishing it off.
Congrats, Gud! That's some nice validation.
Eta: I like the story, too. That's an interesting world you've built.