ITV is evil. I could find a way to find NBC, I'm sure. It's supposed to be a globalized world. I think I used to watch CNN when I lived out there. Is that any good for politics? Here there is BBC and the Guardian and I don't need anything else.
Aww. Everyone can have Kinsey-shifting crushes. It's the joy of Kinsey. That man. He knew what he was doing.
Wrod. Maybe you can see Rachel's show on the internets. I'll find a sec.
She's very out and proud.
My wife really liked my short story (or Novelette) which previews my next novel. She certainly isn't afraid to tell me something is crap, so I'm kind of happy about that since I thought it was good too. Now the only problem is that I'm getting worked up to start on that novel when I've got about 80 pages of notes from feedback to wade through on my current project. I going to have to have some discipline. As much as I'd like to get the next project going, but I really want to get the first novel all the way done. I don't want to end up with a bunch of 90% done novels.
When deciding on character names, does anyone else Google the name to see how many other people are using it?
I came across the term 'Novelette'. I hadn't heard that one before
Irrelevantly, I went to high school with a girl called Novelette.
Thank you, Jamaica.
I only do that for possible titles, Connie.
I went to high school with a girl called Novelette.
I Googled my main character's name and found there are quite a few.
I ran a google on a character name and found one match, and I decided not to use it. I'm more comfortable using a name that's in frequent use than a one-off. The odds of that person or their friends reading this are very slim, but I still feel uncomfortable.
I wonder if Margery Allingham ever felt weird about "Tiger in the Smoke," whose villain's name was Johnny Cash. It came out in the late 40s.