Any thoughts on the following query:
"Cooling a Fevered Planet: Winning the Fight to Solve the Climate Crisis" by xxx is an optimistic book about a gloomy subject, the politics and economics of battling global warming. Dennis Hayes, a founder and National Coordinator of the first Earth Day calls it "intelligent, stimulating and provocative". "Fevered Planet can be seen as successor to Rynn's "Manufacturing Green Prosperity" concentrating specifically on Global Warming.
"Fevered Planet" focuses on the economics of the climate crisis in a way that makes clear that emissions pricing and emissions trading cannot create the infrastructure transformation needed to solve global warming. It argues for public investment and regulation instead, and outlines both policy and politics that can let us win this transformation. "Fevered Planet" also includes appendixes on the technical solutions to the Climate Crisis.
The author has been praised as an expert on the subject of solutions to climate chaos by leading figures such as Joe Romm, former Assistant Secretary of Energy, and Eric Heitz President of the prestigious "Energy Foundation". xxx writes about environmental economics for "Grist Magazine" (the leading on-line U.S. environmental journal), and has been featured on this subject in the July-Aug 2008 issue of "Z Magazine". He also wrote a chapter on global warming policy in your press's upcoming reference series "Sustainable Business Practices: Challenges, Opportunities, and Practices. "
The manuscript in draft form is around 68,000 words, excluding a bibliography that can be placed on-line, which would otherwise bring the word total to around 92,400. The full draft should be high enough quality for submission by the end of August. Because the manuscript has departed from the original outline, a revised full proposal and outline could be available by June 21st. Substantial portions of the MS have been sufficiently revised for sharing, so ample chapters are available immediately.
Please let me know if you want sample chapters, a full proposal when ready, or a copy of the manuscript when ready.