In my head, I feel no older than when I started with the fic, many many moons ago. Every now and then, though, my brain sits up and says "50! My god!" When I was a kid, 50 was such an old age.
(And I find myself greatly resenting being on the far side of culture's attention, with so much of the world being focused on what those ne'er-do-well 30-somethings are up to. Not to mention the 20-somethings who think they're grown-ups now. Feh. Offa my lawn.)
My mom says the same thing Connie. Not about fanfic, sad to say, she finds that thought kind of embarrassing in the abstract, although in practice. she's enjoyed stories I've brought to her attention.
But about fiftysomethings living like they are old.
Why should anyone care how old a fanfic writer is? I feel it's akin to being a sports fan.
I'm slogging through cutting. I've started considering cutting out Savin and Rainier, two characters that aren't major players overall but play a key role in the beginning. I'll have to think about how that would work, the other possibility would be to merge that subplot with another one so it's all part of the same threat instead of two different ones.
No progress due to working late. It seems like I'll never finish this up. Things will look better once work calms down I suppose.
I'm hoping to have a chance to read through chapter 1 aloud tonight, I'd like to post the latest revision to my blog. If I trip up on any sentences, I figure they have to be rewritten.
Also, I'm in the final chapters listening to the text-to-speech. So far it seems okay though there is the usual wordiness and awkward sentences. I'll be curious to see feedback on the ending chapters, I don't have anything from this deep in the story yet.
I wasn't able to do much last night, but I got my read-through done and updated my blog with the new revision of chapter 1. I've lost a quarter of words in that first chapter which probably means I use too many damn words.
I had to run and errand and listened to part of the last chapter. That last fight will need some work. Also when the MC makes a choice, I need to emphasize that she knows (even if she doesn't want to believe it) she can't have her cake and eat it too.
Copyedits have just been dropped on my doorstep.
I'm a'skeered to look.
Yeah, I know it's stupid.
Good luck, Barb.
I finished listening to my last chapter on the way home from work. That chapter really needs work.
Word is starting to irritate me. Why did it change the style in this pasted text? Why isn't it letting me change the style back to normal? Grrrr
Word always irritates me, but I've used it so long it's hard to imagine using anything else.
Oh, my essay about Johnny Drama came out in anthology yesterday. Really awesome feeling, although it was totally obvious it was a bunch of poets and me.