Who has two thumbs and a completed revision?
Okay, I still have a little clean-up and read-through to do on the final chapters and the epilogue, but the rewriting is done for this round.
Now for editing, chopping, some new scenes in places, adverb killing, and other fun things.
Thanks. It's exciting to get past another step.
The one big downer is the size, 154k. It's a bit long for one book and a bit short for two. I think I'm going to try for one book again. Between chopping and tightening maybe I can whack 40k then figure another 10k of scenes to replace some of the chopped sections. It'll be tough, but I figure it'll be better to shrink toward a target than expand toward a target.
Anybody want to help me get my script to 30 pages? Of course, I should probably write it out all the way...
Why must I always write so long?
I got through two chapters of clean-up. I've got three more chapters and an epilogue before I can call this revision truly done.
I've been listening to a new audiobook lately, and OMG, the number of '...Dude said [adverb]' attributions is insane, they're everywhere. Not doing that is like rule one of attributions. Writing has definitely changed by sensitivity to such things while reading.
It's official. I'm done with the revision 1 file. From now on I'll be working on the revision 2 file.
Another milestone down.
Liese, did you want me to send book two? If so when? It's 170k compressed.
Yup! Now`s good. I`m on the road home. I got swallowed by board meeting prep but should finish up your book 1 comments when I get home.