Also, I'm having a hard time deciding on how to end 35. I have a character who is put in a certain death situation. The reader is going to know she's going to make it (because there is still more book left and there's really nobody to pick up the ball if this character bites it), but the how may be difficult to figure out (or maybe not, there's a clue, but I don't know how obvious it is).
Anyhow, I could leave off at the certain death point, or the point at which certain death is diverted but by a WTF moment that is also (hopefully) very intriguing.
Not sure which way to go.
Gud, if I were reading it, my preference would be for the WTF moment. I get tired of cliffhanger must die but not really stuff. The other would be more interesting.
That sounds like a good point and it's already written that way, which is another plus.
I got 33, 34, and 35 and I'm now knee-deep in 36. 36 is a very different chapter and it needs to be largely rewritten, so I expect it will take some time.
Great snark (with a lot of truth).
Am I bitchy if I answer
"Is there anything she can't do?"
with "Write."
Because, seriously, page-turners that they are, the prose itself is not something of which I would be proud.
And I'm still not buying her Origin myth either...why not just say a radioactive potboiler bit you while you were hanging around your uncle's lab?
Still working on 36 and I'm not especially happy with my effort so far. A bit too much reporting of the facts and not enough of the emotions of the POV character. I need to see if I can cut down a bit on the factual information and add a few lines to express the emotional impact for Mr. POV.
Hi gang, I have a coupla questions for the group.
One: I'd like to put together a photo book with lots of wordy text, where ever I want. I gotta have captions and subheads and room to express myself in prose. Can anyone recommend a publish on demand service for that? All the ones I've tried seem too limiting. All the scrapbook layouts are nice, but I don't really need so much preformatted stuff.
Two: How does a person approach a pile of creative stuff and edit it thoughtfully into a collection? Do you include everything and call it a retrospective, or do you go lean and try for a general representation and a low page count? It might be helpful if I mentioned here that I am talking about all the comics I've ever drawn. I know the ones in ballpoint on lined yellow paper don't reproduce clearly, but I do love 'em so...
Katie Bee!
In reverse order, whichever way you think is best. If you love them so, include them. I have photoshop and might be able to clean up some of the hard to see ones.
Maybe MagCloud? It would be a magazine, but glossy, and all they require to print it is a pdf, so you could lay it out however you like in Word or inDesign and then turn it into a PDF and upload it. I don't think that would work for much more than 100 pages though. Lots of people like Lulu, but if the service you're interested in would take a PDF instead of using one of their templates, that would probably be the best way to do it.
If you just want them "out there" but don't want a lot of expense, you might also consider putting them up on the web. Heck, if you wanted to sell your jewelry, you could also put that on the web, either on Etsy, or on your own website. I'm pretty sure you know someone who would build a website for you (hint, hint).
Still plugging away on 36 and 37, which I need to finish up together I might need to reach back into 36 can make changes. It's going to take awhile to get it done. There are only so many words available, so I need to pick my scenes carefully.