Very little progress last night due to needing to do other things. I won't get a chance to work on it tonight either. Hopefully I'll start rocking chapter 30 (I rolled 30 into 29, so 30 is the new 31) tomorrow night.
I'm not sure I'm off to a good start on the chapter, but we'll see. I'll be better than the rough draft, that's for sure. There's also a scene in 31 I'm not sure about, feedback will be important in deciding if it should stay in or not.
Regarding Tweeting for a book deal, the Fake AP Stylebook and Agent Kate: [link]
I was wondering when they would get a book deal. I may actually buy that book.
Cutting out large chunks of this dissertation is only being achieved with much rending of clothes and gnashing of teeth.
I'm nearly nearly there. I'm going to push through the weekend and try to get everything written by the end of Sunday, giving me a week to check references, rewrite bits, etc. This would be really good. I can do it. I can I can I can I can I can. (I feel like a Little Engine.)
Today, one of my PCAs (she's a PhD student, which is very handy for this) is coming over to help me categorize the last of the data. It needs someone who can sit on the floor and move cut-out sentences around large sheets of paper. Ah, the joy of qualitative 'methods'. Heh.
I'm progressing through 30. Lots of action in this chapter, so it writes pretty quick. It's pretty much a complete rewrite of rough draft, though. The rough draft sucked.
I had to rewrite a bit of what I have done though, the opponents weren't armed correctly. They should have some sturdy spears because they're out hunting large fearsome animals and just happen to come across the human type people.
Still alive-- barely. Have added 10K words in the last several days and am trying to push through to the end of this MS before I have to settle into high moving gear. Which renders me Lurky McLurkerson everywhere else.
Ah miss mah peeps. *sigh*
Between Here and Gone, Amy. The sixties one. I'd come to huge halt over the summer because I was working on the Carmen revisions and then I was just really jammed on this one for a while . But now I'm cruising along and will hopefully finish in the next few weeks. I hope.
So what's the deal with Carmen? Is it good to go, or are you waiting for a letter from new!editor?
And yay for cruising!