Dear Ms. Lip Service PR Person:
I am Jillian V., the author of Gothic Charm School: An Essential Guide For Goths And Those Who Love Them and the proprietress of the website Gothic CHarm School.
As a fan of the Lip Service line, who owns and wears several items from your line (I especially admire a, b, and c), I would like to propose a relationship from which we would both benefit; you, with substantial web-based and possible print-based marketing access, and myself (not only from an aesthetic viewpoint) but also from the possibility of a Lip Service tie-in for my book and/or website.
Let me familiarize you with some statistics about my audience: (Put in some stuff about website hits, books sold, print and video hits, reviews of books, self and site from well-recognized Gothy sites/mags that Lip Service advertises in) In addition, I am often interviewed and/or photgraphed; attached are an (article) (video) (interview). I know you can see the benefits of having a recognized personality from your target audience wearing and speaking positively about your line.
I would be interested in speaking with you further about this possibility. I have beeen very enthusiastic about
Lip Service as a brand for years; our aesthetics are very complementary. My audience is your audience. Let's talk more about how we could work together to benefit each other.
Contact info, blah blah
JV Queen of the Cupcake Goths BOW DOWN
That's a rough possibility, Jilli
Also Jilli, you could include a copy of the book?
Still filling out the author questionnaire.
Kind of stumped on potential audience. Such a hard question to answer without sounding like an egomaniacal dickhead.
Erin, that is awesome, and I'm going to use it as a starting place.
Ailleann, I don't *think* I need to send them a copy of the book, because I did blogging for them on the Lip Service Webzine over the summer.
My cubicle neighbor here at work was telling me last month about how she used to love to write, but has lacked the motivation to do so in recent years. I told her about NaNoWriMo, and she thought it was brilliant. I forgot about it until today, when she told me she actually decided to do it, and worked on her book for several hours yesterday. She's looking forward to getting past all the introductary stuff and getting into the meat of the book.
She thanked me over and over again for telling her about it, and getting her to write again. I told her it was all her for following up on it, and I really hope she gets out of it what she wants.
Feedback! Boy, beta exchange person sure hated chapter 7. I'll definitely have to look into that.
That sounds useful, Gud.
Kathy, that's fab! I do NaBloPoMo every year, to force me to write something every day, but I think people attempting 50,000 words in a month are exceptionally bold. Or crazy. Maybe crazy.
I had a total dissertation meltdown last night. Attempting to get back on the non-crazy wagon today, and get back to it.
Or crazy. Maybe crazy.
Definitely crazy. No maybe about it.
And {{{Seska}}} on the meltdown. You'll make it. We have we noodles at the ready.
That sounds useful, Gud.
After the brief moment of "What am I doing? I should just give it up", it's good. It'll help me in the next revision.
but I think people attempting 50,000 words in a month are exceptionally bold.
I may have managed close to that when I did my rough draft though there is definite case of quantity over quality there.
I had a total dissertation meltdown last night.
You'll get there. Getting back to it is the best thing.
Getting back to it is the best thing.
I shall do tomorrow. Today, my body is informing me in a rather firm manner*, is a day off. Probably sensible. First day off for about six weeks.
*using the tools of migraine, exhaustion and passing out. Those are quite heavy-duty tools. You can back off now, body. Thanks.