I just picked up a person to swap betas. Partly just because critiquing other people seems to help me out looking at my own stuff.
This is what the first page of her first chapter looked like in my word process (blurred to protect the innocent).
It's not bad, it just needs a lot of tweaking. She didn't freak out and was very appreciative when she got it, so that's a good sign.
We'll see how this works out. I appreciate the beta readers. Beverly in particular has helped me find some rough edges.
Beverly is great. She's a marvelous beta.
I, however, suck. But I swear I have comments commented, I just need to send off to you. I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
Really, don't worry too much. I know people get busy and I'm still only in chapter 4 of my rough draft which is 31 chapters long so I'm a very long ways from my next revision.
Thanks, guys. Story of my life. Can't write for shitpublication, writing group won't let me quit.
If I tell you I've edited the poem hard copy while everybody else is on meet and greet, made a few changes while it's being read aloud, and handed the amended copy to the writer/reader when she finished. "Read it again." You understand, right?
If I had a nickel for every time I've said, "lose your first stanza, it's just warmup," or, "Use your first line as the title." Or done nothing but removed all but one or two "the"s and changed the line breaks, well. I'd have enough money for S4 SPN dvds.
It's what I see, what I hear, what I do. I just can't do it for my own stuff.
I passed muster with initial editor, who sent my YA along to her superior. All fingers crossed now that she likes it.
And, you know, reads it sooner than eighteen months from now.
Awesome! I hope the finger crossing bears good results and sooner that 18 months.
I passed muster with initial editor, who sent my YA along to her superior. All fingers crossed now that she likes it.
Zombie YA, yes?
Yeah, Barb. Now ... more waiting.
::sits on hands::
Yeah, Barb. Now ... more waiting.
Aw, honey. I'll sit with you and hold your hand (not while you're sitting on them, although I might sneak a grope).
Deep breaths, babe. Deep breaths.