Yeah, it was interesting to read. A lot of stuff happens so it's interesting to see what points she thought were the most interesting.
We'll probably try submitting at some point, but there's a load of revision to do before getting into that. I'm still hoping to finish the book in November or December assuming I can get the rough draft done in the next few weeks. If we do, expect some begging for advice.
I'm getting to finishing chapter 24. It has been going really fast for some reason.
If we do, expect some begging for advice.
Not a problem. What's the projected word count on the rough draft now?
About 170,000 - 180,000 words.
I'm now expecting a net loss of words during revision, though I don't have an idea how much. I already have two characters marked for complete removal from the story. They never really developed.
Then there is the complete rewrite of chapters 1 and 2. Chapters 10, 11, 13, and 20 are also due for major changes. Chapter 10 may pretty much be a total rewrite as well. Chapter 10 has issues. Chapter 17 will need some work too, but it is one of the two really short chapters.
That's a *big* book. But one of the keys to revising is editing out anything extraneous, tightening up, so you will probably lose words.
I get the impression that fantasy, as a genre, lends itself to large books.
Oh, it does. But specific lines will still usually be looking for books within a certain word count.
Hey, I got a letter from a reader that *wasn't* complaining about the dirty sex or the bad language!
I quote:
Just wanted you to know how very much I enjoyed "Pictures of US" - I had no idea it would be such an interesting book and could hardly put it down once I started reading.
Your story was so true to the problems I am sure some other people are dealing with in this modern world and you should be very proud for giving us such a wonderful heart warming story.
That was a really lovely email to get!
That's great, Amy! How cool.
This is going to sound corny, but I'm finding it very uplifting to read Gud's progress. Keep it up, man.
Okay, first two chapters of Carmen rewritten. Hope to hell I'm accomplishing what I need without losing the essence of the main character, in particular.