50K is generally for shorter genre novels, Gud. Cozy mysteries, category romances, a lot of YA novels come in around that word count. Most adult novels however, tend to be about 75K or higher and generally, fantasy has a high word count window.
Most of my adult works come in at around 100K
Sure just take the wind out of my sails. Seriously though, I'm feeling like I'm accomplishing something. I think I'm on track for about 200k total length, maybe a bit more. It's hard to see it being less than that for where I'm at in the sequence of events.
Before the kids I starting writing a story and I believe I'm now further along that I got to that time. Also, I think this time is a lot less crappy.
Seriously though, I'm feeling like I'm accomplishing something. I think I'm on track for about 200k total length, maybe a bit more.
Dude, of course, you're accomplishing something. You're doing that thing that so many people say they can do, but so few even attempt.
And 200K? Wow.
And 200K? Wow.
There is apparently something about Fantasy that lends itself to a lot of words.
My wife still hasn't read chapter 5 and dude I sent stuff to hasn't read anything yet. I need feedback, it's addictive.
I'm hoping to get a decent amount of writing time this weekend. I've got some fun stuff coming up. The beginning of a triangle in which one corner is very manipulative, the leader of their group showing the ability to make hard and somewhat amoral decisions, and the heist.
Got in about 50 minutes and 500 words last night. Not a great night, but something unexpected happened with a couple of the characters that I'm happy about. I didn't really outline this chapter so maybe that's a bonus from my laziness. The next chapter will have to be outlined pretty well though, too many moving parts to wing it.
Chapters 6 & 7 done last night. That's a bit of cheat though, chapter 6 got so long my wife said I should split it up. My word count is now 48,000.
What made me think I could ever write a novel...I've got two horrible novels in my drawer that say I can't.
Much less this whole mystery series that somebody talked me into envisioning... I just have to face it. I'm just a wannabe with a few clever tricks.
You sound like the voices in my head, erika. Tell them to shut the fuck up.