(Or to see Mel Brooks and a merry band of monks go dancing by?)
"The Inquisition, what a show! The Inquisition, here we go ..."
And both is just... too much.
Yeah. I mean, I get making your protagonist an outsider, but come on.
What surprised me most was that Lucia Macro bought it. I didn't know she was acquiring outside of the romance program.
Or to have someone exclaim, "No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!"
Oh, Amy - I don't know if you read Dear Author but they had a question about whether people were interested in or based book purchases on author bios and/or photos. Most people said no - that they went by the description on the back of the book most often. Nice to know that your efforts in that area aren't wasted?
Nice to know that your efforts in that area aren't wasted?
Hee! Yes. It's true for me, too -- if it's an author I don't know, I don't care about his or her life, I just want to know if the story sounds interesting.
Maybe I enticed many, many people to read
Big Spankable Asses!
::crawls away to sob::
No, Amy, even your writing couldn't get people to read that ... unless they were already interested. (And I remember your, um, angst about having to write that copy. That thing also got an "award" for having a terrible cover.)
Oh, Amy - I don't know if you read Dear Author but they had a question about whether people were interested in or based book purchases on author bios and/or photos. Most people said no - that they went by the description on the back of the book most often.
Crap, there goes part of my marketing plan.
Albino ... mute ... girl? I know of at least two people who played that character in a role-playing game
Babe, no! Non-fiction IS DIFFERENT. That's why they're going to buy it -- because even if the subject is interesting, your experience and take on it is going to seal the deal.
Totally different thing, I swear.
I know of at least two people who played that character in a role-playing game
And amazingly enough, that fact makes it even more likely that they were albino-mute-girl-tortured-bards!
And amazingly enough, that fact makes it even more likely that they were albino-mute-girl-tortured-bards!
How did you know?! Were you part of that Vampire: Dark Ages game?
Totally different thing, I swear.
I know, I know. I was (mostly) being facetious. Honest.