Wow. Great atmosphere there, Barb.
A last-minute drabble for "in the dark".
Mrs. Kinderman pays her a nickel to walk to the grocer’s and collect her weekly order, and Charlotte suspects it’s cheaper than the tip the delivery boy would expect. She doesn’t care. Today’s nickel, added to the others she’s earned, makes twenty cents, and the minute she’s said goodbye, she runs the four blocks to the Rialto.
Grand Hotel
today, but it doesn’t really matter. She likes the rustling silence before the film starts, the smell of damp wool and dust. In the dark, she disappears, and the world is only silver and shadow, beauty sharp enough to hurt.
Last week's challenge is closed.
This week's challenge, in honor or NaNoWriMo, is
Amy, that's a gorgeous drabble.
Barb, want mooooore.
Okay, the NaNo site SUCKS dead moose cock.
So I'm going to say here, for the record, I did 847 words today. Which is not much, but better than the nothing I wrote yesterday.
I've done nothing other than tweak a bit on what I wrote yesterday, but since I had 4440 words yesterday, I'm not feeling too terribly guilty.
Amy which project are you working on?
The zombie YA. It's been a little while, so I had to ease in today.
Yesterday's 4440 is awesome, babe.
Ooooh, yay! I loved the little bit I read of that. It was beautifully creepy.
And btw, I meant to say your drabble was absolutely loverly.
You must allow me to beta the zombie YA.
And you're a total bitch for thinking of it first!!!!
I can send it if you want, Allyson. Actually, I'll do that now.
And thanks, Barb! ::gropes::