They apparently had two crashes today. Perhaps they're still piecing things back together.
One would think, after ten years, they'd have found servers to handle the volume.
I mean, I'm on cable connection with a reasonably fast computer and that site loads soooooo slooooooooooooow
I'm fatoudust. But yeah, it's seriously slow and I'm not on a fast connection, so it may be an exercise in frustration for a while.
The word count thinger isn't working yet either, huh? Not that I have more than a symbolic starting word count, but still. It is the first today, right?
Liese, you can do your word count under "Edit Novel Info."
The Nanowrimo site is slllooooowwwwww at the moment.
Or is it just me?
It's slow. Really, really freakin' slow.
You know, it's just as well the site loads so slowly-- it keeps me away from the forums because honestly, I just want to thwap the 25 year-olds in my regional forum who are calling themselves Jurassic-era relics.
Oh, yeah, because everybody should start early like Truman Capote, become a drunken, self-loathing wreck and spend the next forty years with people wondering what the fuck happened to you.
Not that I'm rationalizing starting late or anything. Much.
But starting early is no great guarantee.
The fifteen and sixteen year-old babies crack me up though, they're so damned earnest.
Yeah. At that age, I felt sure I'd be a big star at twenty-five.
But that seemed really old to me too.