ita, I wish I had some migraine magic.
I just found out that the minor league baseball team the Albuquerque Isotopes took their name from the baseball team on The Simpsons.
You do know about the Richland, WA, Bombers [link] (The plutonium for the Nagasaki bomb was produced at the nearby Hanford site.)
I have an appointment for the gym tomorrow morning before work. Ugh. Early morning. Just trying to get myself to make a habit of going before work.
New hot boy at work (also, taken, but extraordinarily likeable) was asking me about books. Reads davinci code garbage, so I was thinking adventure/mystery, which isn't my thang. Any good Buffista suggestions? The closest thing I have here to adventure is Vonnegut, maybe Breakfast of Champions? I dunno. He has a long plane trip, so I thought to ask what would be decent brain candy.
Renita's doing okay for herself! No, I have idea who she's supposed to be, or why that might painaffect Jesse.
Pain's down to a warm abrasive thudding. Which is a start.
I'm sorry ita, what a bunk way to spend an evening.
Poor DH. He started the day sick, and he's just gotten sicker as it has progressed. I hope he's better tomorrow.
Okay, y'all, time to play What's in your bag?
I wish I read more fiction lately. Which I guess means I'm no help, Allyson.
Right now I'm reading Omnivore's Dilemma. Such an interesting way of looking at food, and at our addlepated version of capitalism. Oo, and speaking of our addlepated version of capitalism, did anyone else see The Corporation?
Allysin: early Grisham, very early (published, not written) James Patterson, old school Ian Fleming, and old faithful John LeCarre.
Actually, toss LeCarre and replace him with Graham Greene.
Okay, y'all, time to play What's in your bag?
Once you are done, go play consult the Ipod Oracle.
Factoid: [link] 23% of USAians claim to have personally seen a ghost. 5% of USAians claim to have personally seen the monster in the closet. As to the latter statistic, I wonder what percent of USAians, when given the opportunity, screw with pollsters.