My feelings about weddings and guests:
1. You are not obligated to invite anyone to your wedding, particularly someone who's name you don't even know.
2. Weddings are EXPENSIVE. Giving all of your single friends a plus one could easily cost another few thousand dollars.
3. While I can strike up a conversation with anyone, I do understand that not everyone is like that. But if you can't go to a wedding by yourself, just don't go. (and don't feel obligated to send a gift. Miss Manners says that you only have to give a gift if you go, not if you're just invited)
4. Put the single people together at a table, so they have someone to talk to. Also, task your more outgoing friends to look out for the guests who don't know a lot of people to make sure they feel included.
5. Anyone who asks me for a guest at my (future) wedding will be disinvited.
I do not want to deal with my broken shower curtain rod today. I just want to take a nap and for the rod to stay up long enough for me to take a shower.
My lame problems. Let me show you them.
Jesse - I am here to help.
Shrift - lessen the load on the rod.
Put the single people together at a table, so they have someone to talk to. Also, task your more outgoing friends to look out for the guests who don't know a lot of people to make sure they feel included.
Heh. I pictured the opening of the frat party in Animal house.
Ken, Lonny, l'd like you to meet...Mohammet...Jugdish, Sidney and Clayton. Grab a seat and make yourselves at home. Don't be shy about helping yourselves to punch and cookies.
I don't tip delivery when there's already a fee.
Shrift - lessen the load on the rod.
Heh. That is what I plan to do. If it falls on my head after I do that, I will know to go with option b.
Most of the weddings I've been to are family, so. The two that weren't: one I was the maid of honor and only knew the bride, but that was fine as I was staying with them anyway, and y'know maid of honor. I was busy. Or drunk enough I didn't care (which sounds bad, but we all were.) The other, I knew people from work, but they barely qualify as acquaintances. So I kinda made friends with the groom's best friend who also knew no one else there.
Shrift--lessen the load on the rod today and go shopping this week for a replacement. IME, once a rod starts slipping, it had gone to the dark side and is always plotting against you.
Weddings are expensive but it wasn't the plus-ones that ran up the cost so much as the people you had to invite for obscure family or work obligations.
Anyway, we definitely allowed guests for anybody who was single.