Oh, YAY! I'm so glad it went well.
I'm writing essays for reapplying for my job (they're making the position permanent) and it's killing me, because they used an entirely different set of questions than when I originally applied, and it's OMG BORING.
SO BORED. And my 4-day weekend is 3/4 over! Woe!
Sorry Consuela, I hate those.
I went to the worlds largest Brat fest (read worlds largest sausage fest) today. Stomach is annoyed with my gluttony. Missed the storm though.Watching lightning out the window. It is sweet.
Oh, god. The assholes next door are singing again. I think they're doing
If any Chicagoistas get a collect call from the Cook County Jail tonight, please accept the charges, because I'm going to need you to bail me out.
Does Rock Band have "America the Beautiful" and "The Star-Spangled Banner"? Because if so, Rock Band just fell in my estimation.
Patriotic drunk jackholes? That sounds
Already watching NASA TV here. All digits crossed and ~ma headed towards Mars for a sweet landing.
Yea! I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes to watch these! I adore the geek-joy!
shrift, sounds like they bought a CD from the dollar bin at Target.
I'm going to a cookout tomorrow (don't wanna hear about thunderstorms). What should I bring.
I think it is the excessively obnoxious patriotism rather than the drunken revelry that is making me want to call the police.
It's not the Fourth of July, motherfuckers! And even professional singers slaughter our national anthem, so why can't they do what my friends usually do when they get uproariously drunk, and sing some goddamn Poison? At least that would be entertaining!