It's not great but there are bits where they really use the premise & objects in a very smart, fun way and that's very exciting. It takes a little while to get to that point though. I remember there was some discussion about it in Boxed Set at the time, and I believe some apt comparisons to an RPG.
But I do remember feeling sorta, "These are some neat ideas! I don't care so much about the actual story, though."
I think after this "episode" I'll take a shower and clear my head and try to get into it again. It might just be that I'm in a tired/friday kinda mood.
I said yes and yes. Thoughts?
I agree. The manager isn't the owner, so no anti-tip rule.
Best local news ever! Gov. Paterson pardoned Slick Rick! He can stay in the US!
I'm caught up with GA except for the finale!
I would love a vespa, for running to the grocery store and stuff like that. I need a sugar daddy.
For some reason, my Tivo decided to stop recording GA after this first episode this year. I'm going to have to iTunes the last few episodes, for lo, I am addicted despite the crap.
I've been watching from the ABC web site, and it is not so bad.
Oh! I didn't know you could do that! They have all the eps, not just the most recent?
Also, meant to say earlier that I wish I lived close enough to work to warrant getting a Vespa. LOVE them. A couple of my colleagues drive them to work every day, and I'm always quite envious.
They have at least the last 4. I don't know if they have all of them though.
I know I ate dinner, but I am so hungry. Luckily I also made cake tonight, so I can always snack on that.
My hair is newly cropped and colored. Yay!