Hivemind question. Is a burst blood vessel in the eye anything to be seriously concerned about? WebMD is not helping.
I don't know. But I have gotten them from throwing up, and crying a lot, but I don't know if it's got more serious implications. how's your blood pressure, generally?
The question is-- can you slounge within sight of the tiny cowboy hippies, or will you be more like Paul Gross arming!
OK, back to those ISEF awards: there are lots of categories. In every category, all first and second place winners get a minor planet (near earth asteroid) named after them (in addition to monetary awards.) For real, by the IAU, which is the official naming body in astronomy.
That's so cool!
Hav eyou tried wrong diagnosis:
Here's what the Mayo Clinic site has to say about a blood vessels bursting in your eye:
Thanks, Sparky1. Now I don't have to worry about it. And more importantly, I have ammunition when my mother sees it this weekend and freaks out which was really my main concern since I have no pain and it isn't messing with my vision.
My mother actively searches for things to worry about and I like to keep her focus on my soon-to-be divorced twin brother and away from me, thank you very much.
Hivemind question. Is a burst blood vessel in the eye anything to be seriously concerned about? WebMD is not helping.
That happened to me about a month or so ago. I ignored it and it went away! All my problems should be so complicated.
No, seriously though, it just faded over a week or two and disappeared. (I've got super low BP too.)
Hypothetically, if your car broke down on the highway and you were a ways from home and didn't have AAA, who would you call? I mean, you'd want a local tow-truck, so how would you find one?