Argh -- so, the Friday before a holiday, we usually close early, right? Except our Big Boss was out of the office unexpectedly on Monday and Tuesday, so re-scheduled all of her standing meetings for tomorrow. Will she really meet with my boss at 3:30? Will that mean we all have to work a full day?
Tune in tomorrow, I guess.....
(sorry, I have no gift for rhyme)
It occurs to me that the woman in the cube next to me may very well wear exactly the same clothes to work every single day. And that if she didn't have such an distracting voice on the phone I wouldn't be thinking those thoughts.
Just did a impulse google and discovered that a woman who was a tremendous and massive and illegal bitch to me was awarded a non-inconsiderable humanitarian award last week. That's just weird.
There once was a girl from shriftucket
Who got so bored she kicked the bucket....
A lifetime of sloungin'
And of knocking down gin
Led her to tell life to suck it.
Hey! So, mile-wide tornado north of Denver! Yikes! Nicole, you're out of that path, right?
Not Nicole but that is much father north than where she usually hangs out (as far as I know). And YIKES!!! Moving from earthquakes to tornados?!? I changed my mind. I'm staying here.
That wasn't too hard, now was it?
Just did a impulse google and discovered that a woman who was a tremendous and massive and illegal bitch to me was awarded a non-inconsiderable humanitarian award last week.
The most notoriously hard to work for person in this office runs our very successful pro bono program. Some people... compensate.
What was that site with the ten dollar surprise?
I want to get myself a surprise. I bought myself roses yesterday, and put a sparkly flower in my hair today to make myself feel better. But I think I need to add a bar of Rock Star from Lush and a surprise to my self-cheering list.
Surprise yourself. I'd do that for me, but then I'd hate it, and it would just mean I'd have to cut a bitch.
It's possible I'm pre-loading events with meaning.
Some people... compensate.
Yeah. I need to forward that link to family, though. There will be muttering and grumbling.
Just did a impulse google and discovered that a woman who was a tremendous and massive and illegal bitch to me was awarded a non-inconsiderable humanitarian award last week.
Is it the kind of award you buy your way into? Not to be overly cynical, or reveal too much, but most nonprofits I know give awards to people who are willing to raise or give large sums. Oh, and they're reasonably eligible for the award.