Lots of School-ma to Frances!
Tomorrow we meet with the principal to figure out what to do with Leif. He's going to turn six in June and we need to see if he'll be placed in second or third grade. He's top of his class in first grade this year. I hope it can all be worked out.
Good luck, Frances! BTW, I met a family last weekend who had a brown-haired girl and a blond-haired boy the same ages as your two -- but they were not quite as cute.
Wow, Leif! I guess going to school is working out for him!
Whoa, Leif started school early? I didn't realize that. Was it a stressor for you?
Man, I remember when Hec was going through his school placement drama with Emmett. Much ~ma for Frances and Burrell!
School has worked out pretty well overall. He is aware he is smaller and younger than the other kids, which is hard, but, OTOH, the work is too easy for him and he has expressed some boredom. It's been a difficult balance.
Man, I remember when Hec was going through his school placement drama with Emmett.
The wounds...they never heal.
School-ma for Frances and Leif! A round of optimal assignments for the Buffista sprog.
~ma for Frances.
She even says "duh!" and "you drive me crazy."
Emeline says "Chill out, dad" complete with dismissive hand wave.
I don't know whether to laugh or throttle her.
Emeline says "Chill out, dad" complete with dismissive hand wave.
Iris just went for "We are NOT discussing this right now." (this being bedtime/teethbrushing, etc)
I get "What.Evvver" from my daughter. A couple of nights ago I pissed off Leif and he started yelling "Shame on you Dad! Shame!"