Kristin, at 9:23, when I was going to work an hour and 23 minutes late, I drove past you on sunset as you were shepherding your charges somewhere. I was going to honk, but then it was too late.
I'm 5'1" and I sling bags up in the overhead, but usually do it while standing on my seat (I almost alway get an aisle).
I hate American Airlines is all I'm gonna say. Stupid (yet understandable) policy.
Today I have a going away lunch that I'm not supposed to know about but I was accidentally on the email. I wish I didn't, because then I'd just leave.
Also the administrative nemesis I have at this school sent out a memo today that she is retiring. Really? DAMN.
Who's the cutest little wrathmonster? Who is? You are!
Kristin, at 9:23, when I was going to work an hour and 23 minutes late, I drove past you on sunset as you were shepherding your charges somewhere. I was going to honk, but then it was too late.
Oh, that's so funny! I was taking my 9th grade advisory across the street for a Starbucks run. The girls aren't allowed off campus by themselves until junior year (lunch only), and then they have an open campus senior year. We get to take the 9th and 10th graders across once each semester, and they look forward to it SO MUCH.
How is it that we've worked down the street from each other all year and not met for lunch once? We are so very lame.
They don't in my field! (Though, people don't submit their CV for technical/non-academic positions. Those get the resume. CV for post-doc, fellowships, and academic track positions.)
also, it's repetitive and a waste of space. I mean, do you really need to take up half a page by double spacing your "professional affiliations". When you double majored in college, does each major deserve a separate three line entry?
My resume after 11 years is two pages, and I remember worrying it was too long. I can't imagine having a six paged one.
I got my resume down to one page, though I swore it was going to end up looking like
"Objective: Work.
Skills: Can work.
Job History: Have worked."
I have never had a resume longer than one page. I feel like an underachiever now. On the up side, no potential boss ever mislaid the second page of my resume!
I generally can find enough stuff to omit or condense to get down to one page. It's been quite awhile since I've written one though.
"Objective: Work.
Skills: Can work.
Job History: Have worked."
I think you could probably tighten that up.
Though, people don't submit their CV for technical/non-academic positions. Those get the resume. CV for post-doc, fellowships, and academic track positions.
This is the source of my eyeroll. Dear graduate student-type people: please to learn the important life lesson that your academic ways are not always the right ways when dealing with the humans.
(6 pages doesn't particularly ping me -- if it's an academic CV -- just because expectations in different fields are so different when it comes to how much stuff you get to put your name on. But for a resume, it's completely cracktastic.)
Man. Sometimes my job makes me feel dumb. I'm constantly surrounded by PhDs, some rock star PhDs, and just general smarty pantses.