blackberries or blackraspberries?
Very different things indeed--my parents have black and red raspberries that grow in their backyard, so I'm very spoiled for the taste of those *already*. And strawberries, we had those too. Blackberries I've never had fresh picked, so I'm looking forward to it. Blueberries I picked in Maine for the first time last summer, and they were a revelation--I was picking them off the bush and turned to my friends and was like "These taste like JAM!!!" I like blueberries fine, so it didn't occur to me that they could taste that much better!
Pretty sure our feralberries are just blackberries. That's what everyone else calls them, and they don't really taste anything like raspberries.
They're not quite as nice as the fancy blackberries and marionberries you can get at the farmers market at the same time of year--they're much smaller and a bit mushier. But they taste good and are yummy in cobblers and jam.
Allyson the apartment is gorgeous. Fab couch too !
Hi victor c! (iphone wanted victory so I had to separate).
I'm on the train headed to a 5 hour meeting where people want me to bring the hurt down on a vendor ... But not too much technical talk ok? Ummm this is a database vendor. Yes tech talk. Laps of it.
Hello VictorC.
Re 90210 remake: There's a 90201 zip code in Jerusalem. Few friends came up with the thought to start shooting there.
Re blueberries: one of the things that impressed me most when I was in Northwest U.S. last summer was the blueberries everywhere theme that was going on (along with the "bees everywhere" theme. Then I decided that the whole "bees are dying" is just a big fat lie). It's usually not cold enough to grow blueberries in Israel, so for a while I went "wow!" every 5 minutes.
And now, for thoughts from last week about people in concerts (x-posted in another (musical-fandom) forum):
I went to see a show last week, and here's the thing that almost ruined it for me: the audience.
It's not that they (we) sucked or anything: on the contrary, I've never seen an audience that loves the artist so much as in the second part of the show (it was a double feature). The vibe was loving and amazing, and could be the same way for me too, if only. They. Weren't. All. Over. Each other.
It didn't matter where I moved, I couldn't stand anywhere without having physical contact with other people in the audience. It also didn't help that I wanted to dance to some of those songs. And seriously now, bitches, I don't care if we're both females, if I don't know you and recognize you as friend, you absolutely can't move your hands across my waist, back and shoulders (I almost shuddering with revulsion and anger writing this, and this happened a lot more than once) as you're making your way through the crowd, unless you're blind, lost and without your cane.
I started this show standing in the first row. By the end of the night I was in the back of the room, behind all of those taller guys, almost unable to see the artist. But at least I was able to move, dance and have a little bit of fun, because apart of this, it really was a great show.
I think there was another something I wanted to Re about, but I have a lot of work I've been avoiding from anyway as is.
Also, why am I more tired 20 minutes AFTER drinking my coffee?
(I'm not looking for chemical or biological reason, people. I'm just looking for justice).
shir that's got to be a tag
entertain me internet; it's a long ride thru the woods
ok whoever put the guy in the kilt & sporran on my train thank you!!!
HA! Sox had a good commute!
I'm ignoring the maggot stuff.
I don't wanna go to work. Will you all work for me instead?
Bah, I'm all out of Internets this morning.
My brother has high iron in his blood and had to go get "bled" regularly for a while. Now it is less often, but we joked alot about the bloodletting there for a while.